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Monday, February 8, 2010


Project 200 Marks
 This is to be a group project with a maximum 4 students in one group.
 The project can be in-house project (project done within ones institution) or
can be done in the industry.
 In case the project is in industry the group will be guided by External Project
guide (from industry) and Internal Project Guide (from the institution).
 In case the project is in-house the group will be guided by the Internal
Project guide.
Marks Distribution
Item Marks How to conduct Exam
Project report 100 Assessed jointly by
internal and External
Viva Voce of the report 100 Assessed jointly by
internal and External

Project Management reference book

Project Management, Meridth & Mantel, McGraw Hill

Project Management - Principles and Practices, M. Pete Spinner, Prentice Hall

Essentials of Project management by Dick Billows

Projects: Planning Analysis, Selection , Implementation and Review by Chandra,
Prasanna , TMH publication

Project Management

i) Projects & Project management, The project, Project Management., Types of
projects, Contractual Arrangements.
       (1) Readings: Basic Project Management- There are Four Types. & Making Project
            Management Work.
ii) The Nature of Project Management, Management principles, Some Factors in
Project Management, The Project Manager. Factors for Project Success and Failure.
       (1) Readings: The New Managerial work & Where does Project Cost Really Go
            Wrong? What it takes to be A Good Project Manager.
iii) Organizational Structures, The Project Organization, The Functional Organization,
The Matrix organization, Designing an Organization, Building the Team, Leadership.
       (1) Readings: Selection of the Team. & Matrix management: Contradiction and
iv) Project Administration: Project Authority & Project Control, Principles of Project
Administration., TQM.
       (1) Readings:
            Skunk Works - Management Style- It's No Secret. & Executive Focus on Quality.
v) Defining and Financing the Project. How Project Evolve- the Client Brief.,
Financing the Project. Sources of Finance and Cash Flow.
       (1) Readings:
       (a) Structural Scale Models: Beyond The Computer.Clear Project Definition is
            Crucial. Construction Cost estimating in the Design Process.Meeting the
            Infrastructure Challenge.
       (b) Three Perceptions of Project Cost - Cost Is More than A Four-Letter Word.
vi) Feasibility Studies and Approvals, Conducting a Feasibility Study, The
            Regulations Controlling Projects, Decision-Making, Economic Analysis.
       (1) Readings:
       (a) Project Management and Environmental Issues.
       (b) Obstacles Encountered by a New Industrial Development.
       (c) Environmental Planning and Engineering Decisions.
       (d) Intellectual Sources of the Ideas of " acceptable Risk" in Public Policy.
       (e) Speaking of Risk. Humble Decision-Making. Finding a Way to Measure
            Technology's Benefits. Justification Techniques for Advanced Manufacturing
vii) The Management of Design, Documentation and Tendering: The Management of Design,
Project Documentation, The Calling and Assessment of Tenders, Negotiation.
viii) The Planning of Project Implementation, The Plan of Execution, Planning the
Time Scale
       (1) Readings: Managing Software Development Projects.Balancing Strategy and
            Tactics in Project Implementations.
ix) On Time Project Completion- Managing the Critical Path.Resource Constrained
Scheduling Capabilities of Commercial Project Management Software. Project
Implementation and Control, Project Implementation, Project Execution, Project
Control, Commercial Aspects.
       (1) Readings: Managing Suppliers up to a Speed. Cost and Schedule Control in
            Naval Projects.Contract Negotiations, Dispute and Settlement. Project Management
            Control Problems: An Information Systems Focus.
x) Criteria for Controlling Projects According to Plan. Commissioning and Review,
The Commissioning phase, The Completion of a Project.
       (1) Readings: The Project Management Audit: Its Role and Conduct. & Knowing
            when to pull the Plug.

Total supply chain Management reference book

Materials Managemet and purchasing, Ammer DS Taraporewala

Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Martin Christopher, Richard Irwin

Vipul prakashan TSCM

Nurali prakashan TSCM

Total supply chain Management

1) Introduction to supply chain management -
Do we have the best suppliers at the lowest possible prices?
Are we getting and sending materials as quickly as possible?
Can the voices of our customers be heard in our processes?
Are customers satisfied with our products?

2) Creating outcome-driven tasks and processes
Retooling the structure and business strategy of the organization
Setting up effective people/responsibility charts
Incorporating technology for maximum benefit
Creating performance-based rewards
Measuring results

3) Materials Management, Scope, importance, classification of materials,
Procurement, Purchasing policies, vendor development and evaluation, Inventory
control systems of stock replenishment, Cost elements, EOQ and its derivative
models. Use of computers for materials function.

4) Logistics and competitive strategy, System view of logistics Coordination and
management of transportation, Inventory Order processing, Purchasing,
warehousing materials handling, packaging and customer service standards

5) Supply Chain management, Distribution network design, channels of Distribution,
Plant and warehouse location.

6) Transportation Systems Individual Freight and passenger modes, intermodal
transportation and third party transportation services, economic social, and political
roles of transportation, demand, cost and service characteristics of different transport
services, carrier selection and evaluation methods, contracting for transportation
services, freight rate structure, Private fleet management, Claim management,
International transportation, Ocean carrier management, port administration and
regulation, costing and pricing issues of international transportation, logistics, cost
transport mode choice, Dispatch decisions, routing decisions, routing Models,
packaging to suit mode of Transport.

7) Total distribution Cost analaysis

8) Logistic Information Systems.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

CRM (Customer Relations Management)

1.CRM at the speed of light by Paul Greenberg,TMH.

2. Customer R elations Management by Kristin Anderson & Carol Kerr. TMH.

CRM (Customer Relations Management)

1. Introduction to CRM : what is a customer? How do we define CRM? CRM
technology, CRM technology components, customer life style, customer

2. Introduction to eCRM : difference between CRM & eCRM, features of eCRM.

3. Sales Force Automation(SFA) : definition & need of SFA, barriers to
successful SFA, SFA:functionality , technological aspect of SFA: data
synchronization , flexibility & performance , reporting tools.

4. Enterprise Marketing Automation (EMA) : components of EMA, marketing
camping, camping, planning & management, business analytic tools. ,EMA
components( promotions ,events , loyalty & retention programs), response

5. Call Centers Mean Customer Interaction: the functionality, technological
implementation, what is ACD(automatic call distribution),IVR(interactive voice
response), CTI(computer telephony integration),web enabling the call center,
automated intelligent call routing, logging & monitoring.

6. Implementing CRM: pre implementation, kick off meeting, requirements
gathering, prototyping & detailed proposal generation, development of
customization, Power User Beta Test & Data import, training, roll out &
system hand off, ongoing support , system optimization, follow up.

7. Introduction to ASP( application service provider): who are ASP’s?, their role
& function, advantages & disadvantages of implementing ASP

Internet Technologies reference book

Vipul prakashan IT

Nurali Prakashan IT

Internet Technologies

1) Basic Networking:
         i) Network Protocols :
          a) TCP / IP (Transmission Control / Internet protocol )
          b) ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
          c) RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)
          d) RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
          e) OSPF (Open Shortest Path First ) Protocol
          f) BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)

2) Introduction to Network Programming
         i) Socket Programming (using TCP and UDP socket)
        ii) RMI
          a) Introduction to Distributed Computing with RMI
          b) RMI Architecture
          c) Naming remote Object
          d) Using RMI : Interfaces , Implementations, Stub, Skeleton, Host
          Server Client, Running RMI Systems
          e) Parameters in RMI : Primitive, Object, Remote Object
          f) RMI Client –side Callbacks
         g) Distributing & Installing RMI Software
        iii) Introduction to CORBA
         a) What is CORBA?
         b) CORBA Architecture
         c) Comparison between RMI and CORBA

3) Introduction to Wireless LAN
        i) How does WLAN work?
       ii) WLAN setups (Ad-hoc, infracture LAN)
      iii) Use of WLAN
      iv) Benefits of WLAN
       v) Restrictions and Problems with WLAN

C# (pronounced as C Sharp) reference book

Programming in C# by E. Balagurusamy TMH

C# a beginners guide by Herbert Schildt TMH

Complete Reference to C#

C# (pronounced as C Sharp)

1) Introduction to C# : Evaluation of C# , characteristics of C# , applications of
C# , difference between C++ & C#, Difference between JAVA & C#.

2) Introduction to C# environment : the .NET strategy , the origins of the .NET
technology, the .NET framework, the common language runtime , framework
base classes, user & program interfaces, Visual Studio .NET , .NET
languages, benefits of the .NET approach, C# & .NET

3) Overview of C# : Programming structure of C# , editing, compiling &
executing C# programs, namespace, comments, using aliases for namespace
classes, using command line argument, maths function.

4) Literals , variables & data types : literals, variables, data types, value types,
reference type, declaration of variables, initialization of variables, default
values, constant variables, scope of variables, boxing & unboxing.

5) Operators & expressions : arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical
operators, assignment operators, increment & decrement operators,
conditional operator, Bitwise operators, special operators, arithmetic
expressions, evaluation of expressions, precedence of arithmetic operators ,
type conversions, operator precedence & associativity, mathematical

6) Decision making & branching : if statement, if …else statement, nesting of
if… else statement, the else if ladder, switch statement, the ?: operator.

7) Decision making & looping : while statement, do statement, for statement,
foreach statement, jumps in loops.

8) Methods in C# : declaring methods, the main method, invoking methods,
nesting of methods, method parameters, pass by value, pass by reference,
the output parameters, variable arguments list, method overloading.

9) Arrays : 1-D array, creating an array, 2-D arrays, variable size arrays, the
system. array class, ArrayList class.

10) String Handling: Creating strings, strings methods, inserting strings using
systems, comparing strings, finding substrings, mutable strings, arrays of
strings, regular expressions.

11) Structures & enumeration : structures, structs with methods, nested structs,
differences between classes & structs, enumerations, enumerator
initialization, enumerator base types, enumerator type conversion, common
programming errors.

12) Classes & objects: Basic principles of OOP’s , class, objects, constructors,
static members, static constructors, private constructors, copy constructors,
destructors, member initialization, the this reference, nesting of classes,
constant members, read only members, properties, indexers.

13) Inheritance & polymorphism : classical inheritance, containment inheritance,
defining a subclass, visibility control, defining subclass constructors, multilevel
inheritance, hierarchical inheritance, overriding methods, hiding methods,
abstract classes, abstract methods, sealed classes: Preventing inheritance,
sealed methods, polymorphism.

14) Interfaces : Multiple inheritance : defining an interface, extending an
interface, implementing interfaces, interfaces & inheritance, explicit interface
implementation, abstract class & interfaces.

15) Operator overloading : Overloadable operators, need for Operator
overloading, defining Operator overloading, overloading unary operators,
overloading binary Operator, overloading comparison Operators.

16) Delegates & events : Delegates , Delegate declaration, Delegate methods,
Delegates instantiation, Delegates invocation, using Delegates, multicast
Delegates, events.

17) Managing console I/O operations : console class, console input, console
output, formatted output, numeric formatting, standard numeric format,
custom numeric format.

18) Managing errors & exceptions : types of errors, exceptions, syntax of
exception handling code, multiple catch statement, the exception hierarchy ,
general catch handler, using final statement, nested try blocks, throwing our
own exceptions, checked & unchecked operators, using exceptions for

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Elective ll: BPR (Business Process Reengineering)

1) What is BPR
2) Considerations in BPR
3) TQM
4) SW available for BPR
5) How to Plan Your Project, Select the Right Team, and Choose Your Approach
6) Articulate the business issues driving the project
7) Clearly define your project's objectives
8) Gain buy-in from key business leaders
9) Define the project scope
10) Create a powerful team
11) Choose your reengineering steps
12) Select and work with consultants
13) Prepare a project budget
14) Project Planning Template and Guidelines
15) Reengineering Team Selection Criteria and Approach
16) Methodology Selection
17) Consultant Selection
18) Project Readiness Assessment

Elective II: MIS (Management Information system) reference book

(i) Management Information System by W. S. Jawadekar TMG
(ii) Management Information System by James A. O’Brien TMG

Elective II MIS (Management Information system)

1) Introduction : MIS concept, definition, role of MIS, impact of MIS, MIS &
computer, MIS & academics, MIS & user.

2) Role & importance of management : introduction to management ,
approaches to management , functions of the manager, managers & the
environment, management as a control system, management by exception,
MIS : a support to the management .

3) Process of management : management effectiveness, planning, organizing ,
staffing, coordinating & directing, controlling, MIS : a tool for management

4) Organization structure & theory : Basic model of organization structure,
modifications of the basic model of organization structure, organization
behavior, organization as a system, MIS : organization.

5) Strategic management of business : the concept of corporate planning,
essentiality of strategic planning, development of the business strategies,
types of strategies, short range planning, tools of planning, MIS : business

6) Decision making : decision making concepts, decision methods, tools, &
procedures, behavioral concepts in decision making, organizational decision
making , MIS & decision making concepts.

7) Information : Information concepts, information : a quality product,
classification of the information, methods of data & information collection,
value of the information, general model of a human as an information
processor, organization & information, MIS & the information concepts.

8) Systems : System concepts, systems control, types of system, handling
system complexity, post implementation problems in a system, MIS & system

9) System Analysis & design : Introduction , the need for system analysis,
system analysis of the existing system, system analysis of new requirement,
system development model, structured System analysis & design, computer
system design, MIS & system analysis.

10) Development of MIS : development of long range plans of the MIS,
ascertaining the class of information, determining the information requirement,
development & implementation of the MIS, management of quality in the MIS,
organization for development of the MIS, MIS : the factors of success &

11) Choice of Information Technology : Nature of IT decision, strategic decision,
configuration design, evaluation, information technology implementation plan,
choice of ‘information technology’ & the ‘MIS’

12) Technology of information systems : introduction, data processing ,
transaction processing , application processing, information system
processing, human factors & user interface, real time systems & design,
programming languages for system coding, case tools & I -case.

Elective II :GIS (Geographic Information system) reference books

Fundamentals of GIS Michel Demers
Exploring GIS Nicholas Chrisman
GIS means Business by Christian Hardar
ESRI guide to GIS analysis Vol I by Andy Mitchell

Elective II:GIS (Geographic Information system)

Measurement Basics.
Measurement Frameworks.

Attribute-based Operations.
Overlay: Integration of Disparate Sources.
Distance Transformations.
Surfaces and Near Neighbors.
Comprehensive Operations.

Evaluation and Implementation.
Social and Institutional Context.

Elective II:ERP Systems

1)Introduction to ERP. Evolution of ERP. What is ERP? Reasons for the growth of ERP,
Scenario and Justification of ERP in India, Evaluation of ERP, Various modules of ERP,
Advantages of ERP

2) An overview of Enterprise, Integrated Management Information, Business
Modeling, ERP for Small Business, ERP for Make to Order Companies, Business
Process Mapping for ERP Module Design, Hardware Environment and its Selection
for ERP Implementation

3) ERP and Related Technologies, Business Process Reengineering (BPR),
Management Information System (MIS), Executive Information System (EIS),
Decision Support System (DSS), Supply Chain Management (SCM)

4) ERP Modules, Introduction, Finance, Plant Maintenance, Quality Management,
Materials Management

5) ERP Market. Introduction, SAP AG, Baan Company, Oracle Corporation, People
Soft, JD Edwards World Solutions Company, System Software Associates, Inc.
(SSA), QAD, A Comparative Assessment and Selection of ERP Packages and

6) ERP Implementation Lifecycle, Issues in implementing ERP packages, Preevaluation
Screening, Package Evaluation, Project Planning Phase, Gap Analysis,
Reengineering, Configuration, Implementation, Team Training, Testing, Going Live,
End-user Training, Post-implementation (Maintenance mode)

7) Vendors, Consultants and Users, In-house Implementation-Pros and Cons,
Vendors, Consultants, End- users