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Saturday, February 6, 2010

C# (pronounced as C Sharp)

1) Introduction to C# : Evaluation of C# , characteristics of C# , applications of
C# , difference between C++ & C#, Difference between JAVA & C#.

2) Introduction to C# environment : the .NET strategy , the origins of the .NET
technology, the .NET framework, the common language runtime , framework
base classes, user & program interfaces, Visual Studio .NET , .NET
languages, benefits of the .NET approach, C# & .NET

3) Overview of C# : Programming structure of C# , editing, compiling &
executing C# programs, namespace, comments, using aliases for namespace
classes, using command line argument, maths function.

4) Literals , variables & data types : literals, variables, data types, value types,
reference type, declaration of variables, initialization of variables, default
values, constant variables, scope of variables, boxing & unboxing.

5) Operators & expressions : arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical
operators, assignment operators, increment & decrement operators,
conditional operator, Bitwise operators, special operators, arithmetic
expressions, evaluation of expressions, precedence of arithmetic operators ,
type conversions, operator precedence & associativity, mathematical

6) Decision making & branching : if statement, if …else statement, nesting of
if… else statement, the else if ladder, switch statement, the ?: operator.

7) Decision making & looping : while statement, do statement, for statement,
foreach statement, jumps in loops.

8) Methods in C# : declaring methods, the main method, invoking methods,
nesting of methods, method parameters, pass by value, pass by reference,
the output parameters, variable arguments list, method overloading.

9) Arrays : 1-D array, creating an array, 2-D arrays, variable size arrays, the
system. array class, ArrayList class.

10) String Handling: Creating strings, strings methods, inserting strings using
systems, comparing strings, finding substrings, mutable strings, arrays of
strings, regular expressions.

11) Structures & enumeration : structures, structs with methods, nested structs,
differences between classes & structs, enumerations, enumerator
initialization, enumerator base types, enumerator type conversion, common
programming errors.

12) Classes & objects: Basic principles of OOP’s , class, objects, constructors,
static members, static constructors, private constructors, copy constructors,
destructors, member initialization, the this reference, nesting of classes,
constant members, read only members, properties, indexers.

13) Inheritance & polymorphism : classical inheritance, containment inheritance,
defining a subclass, visibility control, defining subclass constructors, multilevel
inheritance, hierarchical inheritance, overriding methods, hiding methods,
abstract classes, abstract methods, sealed classes: Preventing inheritance,
sealed methods, polymorphism.

14) Interfaces : Multiple inheritance : defining an interface, extending an
interface, implementing interfaces, interfaces & inheritance, explicit interface
implementation, abstract class & interfaces.

15) Operator overloading : Overloadable operators, need for Operator
overloading, defining Operator overloading, overloading unary operators,
overloading binary Operator, overloading comparison Operators.

16) Delegates & events : Delegates , Delegate declaration, Delegate methods,
Delegates instantiation, Delegates invocation, using Delegates, multicast
Delegates, events.

17) Managing console I/O operations : console class, console input, console
output, formatted output, numeric formatting, standard numeric format,
custom numeric format.

18) Managing errors & exceptions : types of errors, exceptions, syntax of
exception handling code, multiple catch statement, the exception hierarchy ,
general catch handler, using final statement, nested try blocks, throwing our
own exceptions, checked & unchecked operators, using exceptions for

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