This blog will give some info about details of the course ,subject detail's ,portion ,My comment on them , links to de notes of subject,old question paper links , which book 2 refer, etc.VB imp,Sql queries,notes.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Introduction, IT and business, E-commerce: Concepts
Electronic Communication, PCs and Networking, E-mail, Internet and intranets. EDI
to E-commerce, EDI, UN/EDIFACT
Concerns for E-commerce Growth, Internet bandwidth, Technical issues, Security
issues. India E-commerce Readiness, Legal issues, Getting started.
Security Technologies: Cryptography, Public Key Algorithms, Private Key
Algorithms, Hashing techniques, Certification and key Distribution, Cryptographic
Applications, Encryption, Digital Signature
Protocols for Transactions. SSL-Secure Socket Layer, SET-Secure Electronic
Transaction, Credit Card Business
Electronic Commerce providers. CyberCash, Digicash, VeriSign
Software Package: PGP e-mail encryption software. EDI software developed by NIC
for Customs
Electronic Communication, PCs and Networking, E-mail, Internet and intranets. EDI
to E-commerce, EDI, UN/EDIFACT
Concerns for E-commerce Growth, Internet bandwidth, Technical issues, Security
issues. India E-commerce Readiness, Legal issues, Getting started.
Security Technologies: Cryptography, Public Key Algorithms, Private Key
Algorithms, Hashing techniques, Certification and key Distribution, Cryptographic
Applications, Encryption, Digital Signature
Protocols for Transactions. SSL-Secure Socket Layer, SET-Secure Electronic
Transaction, Credit Card Business
Electronic Commerce providers. CyberCash, Digicash, VeriSign
Software Package: PGP e-mail encryption software. EDI software developed by NIC
for Customs
SW Engineering
i) Introduction, What is software engineering?
ii) Software Development Life Cycle, Requirements Analysis, Software Design,
Coding, Testing, Maintenance etc.
iii) Software Requirement Specification, Waterfall Model, Prototyping Model, Iterative
Enhancement Model, Spiral Model, Role of Management in Software Development,
Role of Metrics and Measurement, Problem Analysis, Requirement Specification,
Validation, Metrics, Monitoring and Control.
iv) System Design, Problem Partitioning, Abstraction, Top-down and bottom-up
design, Structured Approach, Functional v/s Object-Oriented Approach, Design
specification & verification, metrics, Monitoring & Control
v) Coding, Top-down & Bottom-up, Structured Programming, Information Hiding,
Programming Style, Internal Documentation, Verification, Metrics, monitoring &
vi) Testing, Levels of Testing- Functional Testing, Structural Testing, Test Plan, Test
Cases Specification, Reliability assessment.
vii) Software Project Management, Cost Estimation, Project Scheduling, Staffing,
Software Configuration Management, Quality Assurance, Project Monitoring, Risk
ii) Software Development Life Cycle, Requirements Analysis, Software Design,
Coding, Testing, Maintenance etc.
iii) Software Requirement Specification, Waterfall Model, Prototyping Model, Iterative
Enhancement Model, Spiral Model, Role of Management in Software Development,
Role of Metrics and Measurement, Problem Analysis, Requirement Specification,
Validation, Metrics, Monitoring and Control.
iv) System Design, Problem Partitioning, Abstraction, Top-down and bottom-up
design, Structured Approach, Functional v/s Object-Oriented Approach, Design
specification & verification, metrics, Monitoring & Control
v) Coding, Top-down & Bottom-up, Structured Programming, Information Hiding,
Programming Style, Internal Documentation, Verification, Metrics, monitoring &
vi) Testing, Levels of Testing- Functional Testing, Structural Testing, Test Plan, Test
Cases Specification, Reliability assessment.
vii) Software Project Management, Cost Estimation, Project Scheduling, Staffing,
Software Configuration Management, Quality Assurance, Project Monitoring, Risk
Programming in C++ by Balagurusamy TMH
Let us C++ by Yaswant Kanetkar BPB
Let us C++ by Yaswant Kanetkar BPB
C++ and JAVA
C++ Fundamentals, Data types, Operators, Preprocessor directives, Declarations,
Input & Output, control structures, functions and arrays.
Objects and Classes:
Structures and Classes, Unions and Classes, Data hiding and encapsulation, Private
and public members, Member functions, Accessing class members, Objects as
function parameters, Static data and member functions, friend functions and friend
Object Initialization and Cleanup:
Constructors, Parameterized constructors, Destructor, Constructor overloading,
Constructors with default arguments, Constructors with dynamic operations
Function and Operator Overloading:
Function overloading, functions with default arguments, Inline functions, Unary
operator overloading, Operator returning value, Binary operator overloading,
Overloading arithmetic, relational and assignment operators.
Derived and base class, protected members, Overriding functions, Private, protected
and public inheritance, Derived class constructors, Levels of inheritance and multiple
Virtual Functions, Pure Virtual Functions, Abstract Classes, Using Virtual Functions,
Early verses Late binding
Arrays, Pointers and References:
Array of Objects, Initialized and Uninitialized Arrays, Pointer to Object, this pointer,
Pointer to derived types, Pointer to Class Member, Reference Parameters, Passing
Reference to Objects, Returning References, Independent References, Dynamic
Allocation Operators, Allocating Objects
Java - Data Types, variables, Arrays, Operators, Control Statements, Introducing
Classes, Inheritance, Packages and Interfaces, Exception Handling, Multithreaded
Programming, I/O Applets, String Handling, Exploring java.lang, Java.util, Java.I/O,
Networking, The Applet Class, Event Handling
C++ Fundamentals, Data types, Operators, Preprocessor directives, Declarations,
Input & Output, control structures, functions and arrays.
Objects and Classes:
Structures and Classes, Unions and Classes, Data hiding and encapsulation, Private
and public members, Member functions, Accessing class members, Objects as
function parameters, Static data and member functions, friend functions and friend
Object Initialization and Cleanup:
Constructors, Parameterized constructors, Destructor, Constructor overloading,
Constructors with default arguments, Constructors with dynamic operations
Function and Operator Overloading:
Function overloading, functions with default arguments, Inline functions, Unary
operator overloading, Operator returning value, Binary operator overloading,
Overloading arithmetic, relational and assignment operators.
Derived and base class, protected members, Overriding functions, Private, protected
and public inheritance, Derived class constructors, Levels of inheritance and multiple
Virtual Functions, Pure Virtual Functions, Abstract Classes, Using Virtual Functions,
Early verses Late binding
Arrays, Pointers and References:
Array of Objects, Initialized and Uninitialized Arrays, Pointer to Object, this pointer,
Pointer to derived types, Pointer to Class Member, Reference Parameters, Passing
Reference to Objects, Returning References, Independent References, Dynamic
Allocation Operators, Allocating Objects
Java - Data Types, variables, Arrays, Operators, Control Statements, Introducing
Classes, Inheritance, Packages and Interfaces, Exception Handling, Multithreaded
Programming, I/O Applets, String Handling, Exploring java.lang, Java.util, Java.I/O,
Networking, The Applet Class, Event Handling
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Operating Systems
Introduction to operating systems design and implementation.
Basics of operating systems, namely structure, concurrency, scheduling,
synchronization, memory management, filesystems and networking.
Ubiquitous computing, security and extensible system architectures, Process
Deadlock Distributed Operating Systems and Remote Procedure Calls, Theoretical
Foundations Distributed Mutual Exclusion, Protection and Security, Cryptography,
Database Operating Systems, Concurrency Control, System Performance
Basics of operating systems, namely structure, concurrency, scheduling,
synchronization, memory management, filesystems and networking.
Ubiquitous computing, security and extensible system architectures, Process
Deadlock Distributed Operating Systems and Remote Procedure Calls, Theoretical
Foundations Distributed Mutual Exclusion, Protection and Security, Cryptography,
Database Operating Systems, Concurrency Control, System Performance
Operating Systems REFERENCE BOOKS
Operating Systems SHAH.S.S Tech-Max
Operating Systems Concepts and DesignMilan Milenkovic, TMG
Operating Systems Concepts and DesignMilan Milenkovic, TMG
Data base concepts and Systems REFERENCE BOOKS
Database Systems Concepts, Abraham Siberschatz, Henry F.Korth, S. Sudarshan,
Mc Graw Hill International Edition
Mc Graw Hill International Edition
Data base concepts and Systems
Introduction- Purpose of Database Systems, Views of data, Data Models, Database
language, Transaction Management, Storage Management, Database Administrator,
Database Users, Overall System Structure, Different types of Database Systems
E-R Model: Basic Concepts, Design Issues, Mapping Constraints, Keys, E-R
Diagram, Weak Entity set, Extended E-R features, Design Of an E-R Database
Schema, Reduction of an E-R schema to Tables
Relational Model: Structure of Relational Database, The Relational Algebra, The
tuple relational calculus, The Domain Relational Calculus, Views
SQL- Background, Basic Structure, SET operations, Aggregate functions, Null
Values, Nested Sub queries, Derived Relations, Views, Modification of Database,
Joined Relations, DDL, Other SQL features
Transaction- Transaction Concepts, State, Implementations of Atomicity and
durability, Concurrent Executions, Serializability, Recoverability, Transaction
Definition in SQL.
Concurrency Control- Lock based protocol, Timestamp based protocol, Validation
based protocol, Multiple Granularity, Multi version Schemes, Deadlock Handing,
Insert and Delete operations, Concurrency in index structure
Relational Database Design- Pitfalls in Relational-Database Design, Decomposition,
Normalization Using Functional Dependencies, and Normalization Using Multi valued
Dependencies, Normalization Using Join Dependencies, Domain-Key Normal Form
and Alternative Approaches to Database Design
Other Relevant Advance Topics and Applications- Object Oriented Database,
Decision-Support Systems, Data Analysis, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Spatial
and Geographic Databases, Multimedia Databases, Mobility and Personal
Databases, Information-Retrieval Systems, Distributed Information Systems, The
World Wide Web
ORACLE 8.0 Database: SQL, PL/SQL, Developer 2000(Oracle Forms and Reports)
language, Transaction Management, Storage Management, Database Administrator,
Database Users, Overall System Structure, Different types of Database Systems
E-R Model: Basic Concepts, Design Issues, Mapping Constraints, Keys, E-R
Diagram, Weak Entity set, Extended E-R features, Design Of an E-R Database
Schema, Reduction of an E-R schema to Tables
Relational Model: Structure of Relational Database, The Relational Algebra, The
tuple relational calculus, The Domain Relational Calculus, Views
SQL- Background, Basic Structure, SET operations, Aggregate functions, Null
Values, Nested Sub queries, Derived Relations, Views, Modification of Database,
Joined Relations, DDL, Other SQL features
Transaction- Transaction Concepts, State, Implementations of Atomicity and
durability, Concurrent Executions, Serializability, Recoverability, Transaction
Definition in SQL.
Concurrency Control- Lock based protocol, Timestamp based protocol, Validation
based protocol, Multiple Granularity, Multi version Schemes, Deadlock Handing,
Insert and Delete operations, Concurrency in index structure
Relational Database Design- Pitfalls in Relational-Database Design, Decomposition,
Normalization Using Functional Dependencies, and Normalization Using Multi valued
Dependencies, Normalization Using Join Dependencies, Domain-Key Normal Form
and Alternative Approaches to Database Design
Other Relevant Advance Topics and Applications- Object Oriented Database,
Decision-Support Systems, Data Analysis, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Spatial
and Geographic Databases, Multimedia Databases, Mobility and Personal
Databases, Information-Retrieval Systems, Distributed Information Systems, The
World Wide Web
ORACLE 8.0 Database: SQL, PL/SQL, Developer 2000(Oracle Forms and Reports)
Logic, Discrete Mathematical Structures
Fundamentals - Sets and subsets, Operations on sets, Sequences, Division in the
integers, Mathematical structures
Logic Propositions and Logical operations, Conditional Statements, Methods of
proof, mathematical induction
Counting Permutations, Combinations, The pigeon hole principle, elements of
probability, recurrence relations
Relations and Digraphs Product sets and partitions, relations and digraphs, paths
in relations and digraphs, properties of relations, equivalence relations, computer
representation of relations and digraphs, manipulation of relations, Transitive closure
and Warshall;s algorithm
Functions Functions for computer science, permutation functions, growth of
Graph theory Graphs, Euler paths and circuits, Hamiltonian paths and circuits,
coloring graphs
Order relations and structures Partially ordered sets, External elements of partially
ordered sets, Lattices, Finite Boolean algebra, Functions on Boolean algebra,
Boolean functions as Boolean polynomials
Trees labeled trees, tree searching, Undirected trees, Minimal spanning trees
Semigroups and groups Binary operations, semigroups, products and quotients of
semigroups, groups, Products and quotients of groups
Languages and finite state machines Languages, representation of special
languages and grammars, Finite state machines, Semi groups , machines and
languages, machines and regular languages
Groups and coding Coding of binary information and error detection
Decoding and error correction
integers, Mathematical structures
Logic Propositions and Logical operations, Conditional Statements, Methods of
proof, mathematical induction
Counting Permutations, Combinations, The pigeon hole principle, elements of
probability, recurrence relations
Relations and Digraphs Product sets and partitions, relations and digraphs, paths
in relations and digraphs, properties of relations, equivalence relations, computer
representation of relations and digraphs, manipulation of relations, Transitive closure
and Warshall;s algorithm
Functions Functions for computer science, permutation functions, growth of
Graph theory Graphs, Euler paths and circuits, Hamiltonian paths and circuits,
coloring graphs
Order relations and structures Partially ordered sets, External elements of partially
ordered sets, Lattices, Finite Boolean algebra, Functions on Boolean algebra,
Boolean functions as Boolean polynomials
Trees labeled trees, tree searching, Undirected trees, Minimal spanning trees
Semigroups and groups Binary operations, semigroups, products and quotients of
semigroups, groups, Products and quotients of groups
Languages and finite state machines Languages, representation of special
languages and grammars, Finite state machines, Semi groups , machines and
languages, machines and regular languages
Groups and coding Coding of binary information and error detection
Decoding and error correction
Computer Networks
Introduction: - History of Network Developments, Network Hardware, Network
Software. Mode of transmission: - Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission,
Half and Full duplex Transmission, Concept of DTE and DCE, Concept of Intrefacing
DTE and DCE. OSI Reference Model (7 Layers):- Functions of each OSI Model
Layer. The Physical Layer: - Transmission media, Introduction to various
Connections used in Network: - RJ 45, RS -232, etc. The Data Link Layer: - Stop
and Wait Flow Control, Sliding Window Flow Control, Error Detection, Cyclic
Redundancy Check, Stop and - Wait ARQ, Selective Reject ARQ, High- level
Data Link Control (HDLC) and its Operation, X.25 Protocol, Token bus and Token
Ring. Multiplexing: TDM, TDM link control, Framing, Pulse Stuffing, FDM, Statistical
TDM. Switching Concepts: Circuit Switching, Packet Switching: - Datagram
Approach, Virtual Circuit Approach. The Network Layer: - Routing: - Characteristics,
Performance Criteria, Decision time and place. Routing Strategies:- Alternate
Routing, Adaptive Routing, Fixed Routing, Flooding. Congestion Control. The IP
Protocol: - IP Addressing, Subnets, Internet Control Protocols. The TCP Protocol: -
the TCP Segment Header, TCP Connection Management. The Application Layer: -
DNS, SNMP. Introduction to Equipments used in Networking: - Bridges, Hubs,
Switches, and Routers. Concepts of Network Security:- Encryption , Public Key,
Digital Signature, Introduction to Other Technologies:- ATM, Frame Relay, ISDN,
VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) communication, Global positioning System
Distributed Computing: - Fundamentals, What is Distributed Computing? Evolution of
DCS, DC System Models, Advantages and Disadvantages of DCS, Comparison with
Centralized OS.
Software. Mode of transmission: - Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission,
Half and Full duplex Transmission, Concept of DTE and DCE, Concept of Intrefacing
DTE and DCE. OSI Reference Model (7 Layers):- Functions of each OSI Model
Layer. The Physical Layer: - Transmission media, Introduction to various
Connections used in Network: - RJ 45, RS -232, etc. The Data Link Layer: - Stop
and Wait Flow Control, Sliding Window Flow Control, Error Detection, Cyclic
Redundancy Check, Stop and - Wait ARQ, Selective Reject ARQ, High- level
Data Link Control (HDLC) and its Operation, X.25 Protocol, Token bus and Token
Ring. Multiplexing: TDM, TDM link control, Framing, Pulse Stuffing, FDM, Statistical
TDM. Switching Concepts: Circuit Switching, Packet Switching: - Datagram
Approach, Virtual Circuit Approach. The Network Layer: - Routing: - Characteristics,
Performance Criteria, Decision time and place. Routing Strategies:- Alternate
Routing, Adaptive Routing, Fixed Routing, Flooding. Congestion Control. The IP
Protocol: - IP Addressing, Subnets, Internet Control Protocols. The TCP Protocol: -
the TCP Segment Header, TCP Connection Management. The Application Layer: -
DNS, SNMP. Introduction to Equipments used in Networking: - Bridges, Hubs,
Switches, and Routers. Concepts of Network Security:- Encryption , Public Key,
Digital Signature, Introduction to Other Technologies:- ATM, Frame Relay, ISDN,
VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) communication, Global positioning System
Distributed Computing: - Fundamentals, What is Distributed Computing? Evolution of
DCS, DC System Models, Advantages and Disadvantages of DCS, Comparison with
Centralized OS.
Object Oriented Programing REFERENCE BOOKS
Object Oriented programmimg using C++, E. Balaguruswamy, TMG
Its de best book for OOP
Its de best book for OOP
Object Oriented Programing
Approaches to reusability
Towards object technology
Abstract data types
Object-oriented techniques
The static structure: classes
The run-time structure: objects
Memory management
Design by Contract: Building reliable software
When the contract is broken: exception handling
Supporting mechanisms
Introduction to inheritance
Multiple inheritance
Inheritance techniques
Global objects and constants
Object-oriented methodology: applying the method well
On methodology
Design pattern: multi-panel interactive systems
Inheritance case study: "undo" in an interactive system
How to find the classes
Principles of class design
Using inheritance well
Useful techniques
A sense of style
Object-oriented analysis
The software construction process
Concurrency, distribution, client-server and the Internet
Object persistence and databases
Approaches to reusability
Towards object technology
Abstract data types
Object-oriented techniques
The static structure: classes
The run-time structure: objects
Memory management
Design by Contract: Building reliable software
When the contract is broken: exception handling
Supporting mechanisms
Introduction to inheritance
Multiple inheritance
Inheritance techniques
Global objects and constants
Object-oriented methodology: applying the method well
On methodology
Design pattern: multi-panel interactive systems
Inheritance case study: "undo" in an interactive system
How to find the classes
Principles of class design
Using inheritance well
Useful techniques
A sense of style
Object-oriented analysis
The software construction process
Concurrency, distribution, client-server and the Internet
Object persistence and databases
Systems Programing
Unix Shell Programming
Unix Operating system Overview: Unix System Architecture, Operating system
General Unix commands: Unix commands like ls , cp etc, Unix utilities like grep, wc
Fundamentals of Unix shell programming: Functions, variables, special symbols,
looping and decision making, test command, error checking in shell programming.
Introduction to vi editor, Features, Use of various keys, and over all using vi editor
for editing text.
Security in Unix : Password, Characteristic of good password, Files permissions ,
Directory permissions
Elementary Unix networking : Inter-system mail, ftp , telnet , uucp, cu, Basic network topologies.
Introduction to AWK utility: command-line structure , flow control , built-in functions.
Unix C Programming
Introduction to gcc C compiler, Compiling and Executing C programs on UNIX
Unix System Programming
System calls: Files related: File subsystem, File descriptor, File table, Inode, File
Descriptor table, Inode table, Process related: Process, Process table, Child
process, Mode of execution, Orphans, Pipes, Semaphores.
Unix Operating system Overview: Unix System Architecture, Operating system
General Unix commands: Unix commands like ls , cp etc, Unix utilities like grep, wc
Fundamentals of Unix shell programming: Functions, variables, special symbols,
looping and decision making, test command, error checking in shell programming.
Introduction to vi editor, Features, Use of various keys, and over all using vi editor
for editing text.
Security in Unix : Password, Characteristic of good password, Files permissions ,
Directory permissions
Elementary Unix networking : Inter-system mail, ftp , telnet , uucp, cu, Basic network topologies.
Introduction to AWK utility: command-line structure , flow control , built-in functions.
Unix C Programming
Introduction to gcc C compiler, Compiling and Executing C programs on UNIX
Unix System Programming
System calls: Files related: File subsystem, File descriptor, File table, Inode, File
Descriptor table, Inode table, Process related: Process, Process table, Child
process, Mode of execution, Orphans, Pipes, Semaphores.
Computational Mathematics REFERENCE BOOKS
Balguruswami, Numerical Methods TMH
S. S. Sastry, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis PHI
Vipul prakashan Computational Mathematics
S. S. Sastry, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis PHI
Vipul prakashan Computational Mathematics
Computational Mathematics
Introduction to Errors in Numerical Calculations: - Absolute Error, Relative Error,
Percentage Error. Solution to Algebraic and Transcendental Equation: - Bisection
Method, the Method of False Position, Newton-Raphson Method. Interpolation: -
Forward Difference, Backward Difference, Newtons Forward Difference
Interpolation, Newtons Backward Difference Interpolation, Lagranges Interpolation.
Least- Square Curve fitting: - Fitting a straight line, Parabola. Solution of
simultaneous algebraic equations (linear): - Cramers Rule, Gauss Elimination
Method, Gauss Elimination with partial pivoting, Gauss-Jordan Method, Gauss-
Seidel Method. Numerical solution of 1st and 2nd order differential equations: - Taylor
series, Eulers Method, Modified Eulers Method, Runge-Kutta Method for 1st and 2nd
Order Differential Equation, Picards Method. Numerical integration: - Trapezoidal
Rule, Simpsons 1/3 Rule, Simpsons 3/8 Rule, Linear Programming: - Linear
Programming Model and their Graphical Solutions. Transportation problems
Percentage Error. Solution to Algebraic and Transcendental Equation: - Bisection
Method, the Method of False Position, Newton-Raphson Method. Interpolation: -
Forward Difference, Backward Difference, Newtons Forward Difference
Interpolation, Newtons Backward Difference Interpolation, Lagranges Interpolation.
Least- Square Curve fitting: - Fitting a straight line, Parabola. Solution of
simultaneous algebraic equations (linear): - Cramers Rule, Gauss Elimination
Method, Gauss Elimination with partial pivoting, Gauss-Jordan Method, Gauss-
Seidel Method. Numerical solution of 1st and 2nd order differential equations: - Taylor
series, Eulers Method, Modified Eulers Method, Runge-Kutta Method for 1st and 2nd
Order Differential Equation, Picards Method. Numerical integration: - Trapezoidal
Rule, Simpsons 1/3 Rule, Simpsons 3/8 Rule, Linear Programming: - Linear
Programming Model and their Graphical Solutions. Transportation problems
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Computer Graphics Reference
Computer Graphics, Steven Harrington, McGraw-Hil
Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, Willaim M. Newman, Robert F. Sproull,
Computer Graphics, Steven Harrington, McGraw-Hil
Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, Willaim M. Newman, Robert F. Sproull,
Computer Graphics
i) Graphics
(a) Introduction, What is computer graphics? Elements of graphics workstation,
Video Display Devices- Raster Scan Systems, Random Scan Systems, Input
Devices, Graphics Software Coordinate Representations, Fundamental problems in
(b) Algorithms: Line drawing algorithms- DDA Algorithm, Bresenham's Line
Algorithm, Frame Buffers, Circle and ellipse generating algorithms- Midpoint Circle
Algorithm, Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm, Polynomials and spline curves, Filling- Filled
Area Primitives, Scan-Line Polygon Fill Algorithm, Inside-Outside Tests, Scan-Line
Fill of Curved Boundary Areas, Boundary-Fill Algorithm, Flood-Fill Algorithm,
Character Generation, Attributes of lines, curves, filling, characters etc.
(c) Graphics Primitives, Primitive Operations, The Display-File Interpreter-
Normalized Device Coordinates, Display-File Structure
Display-File Algorithms, Display Control, Polygons- Polygon Representation
(d) Attributes of Output Primitives, Line Attributes- Line Type, Line Width, Pen and
Brush Options, Line Color, Color and Grayscale levels- Color Tables, Grayscale,
Area-Fill Attributes- Fill Styles, Pattern Fill, Soft Fill, Character Attributes, Text
(e) Geometric Transformations: Matrices, Scaling Transformations- Sin and Cos
Rotation, Homogeneous Coordinates and Translation, Coordinate Translations,
Rotation about an arbitrary point, Inverse Transformations, Transformation Routines
(f) Two-Dimensional Viewing, The viewing pipeline, Viewing Coordinate Reference
Frame, Window-to-viewport Coordinate Transformation, Two-Dimensional Viewing
Functions, Clipping Operations- Point Clipping, Line Clipping, Cohen-Sutherland
Line Clipping, Polygon Clipping, Sutherland-Hodgeman Polygon Clipping
(g) Three-Dimensional Concepts: Three-Dimensional Display Methods- Parallel Projection, Perspective Projection, Visible Line and surface Identification, Surface
Rendering, Three-Dimensional Object Representations- Bezier Curves and surfaces,
B-Spline Curves and surfaces
(h) Visibility, Image and object precision, Z-buffer algorithm, Floating horizons
(i) Computer Animations, Design of Animation Sequences, General Computer
Animation Functions- Raster Animations, Key-Frame Systems, Morphing, Simulating
Accelerations, Motion Specifications, Kinematics and Dynamics.
(a) Introduction, What is computer graphics? Elements of graphics workstation,
Video Display Devices- Raster Scan Systems, Random Scan Systems, Input
Devices, Graphics Software Coordinate Representations, Fundamental problems in
(b) Algorithms: Line drawing algorithms- DDA Algorithm, Bresenham's Line
Algorithm, Frame Buffers, Circle and ellipse generating algorithms- Midpoint Circle
Algorithm, Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm, Polynomials and spline curves, Filling- Filled
Area Primitives, Scan-Line Polygon Fill Algorithm, Inside-Outside Tests, Scan-Line
Fill of Curved Boundary Areas, Boundary-Fill Algorithm, Flood-Fill Algorithm,
Character Generation, Attributes of lines, curves, filling, characters etc.
(c) Graphics Primitives, Primitive Operations, The Display-File Interpreter-
Normalized Device Coordinates, Display-File Structure
Display-File Algorithms, Display Control, Polygons- Polygon Representation
(d) Attributes of Output Primitives, Line Attributes- Line Type, Line Width, Pen and
Brush Options, Line Color, Color and Grayscale levels- Color Tables, Grayscale,
Area-Fill Attributes- Fill Styles, Pattern Fill, Soft Fill, Character Attributes, Text
(e) Geometric Transformations: Matrices, Scaling Transformations- Sin and Cos
Rotation, Homogeneous Coordinates and Translation, Coordinate Translations,
Rotation about an arbitrary point, Inverse Transformations, Transformation Routines
(f) Two-Dimensional Viewing, The viewing pipeline, Viewing Coordinate Reference
Frame, Window-to-viewport Coordinate Transformation, Two-Dimensional Viewing
Functions, Clipping Operations- Point Clipping, Line Clipping, Cohen-Sutherland
Line Clipping, Polygon Clipping, Sutherland-Hodgeman Polygon Clipping
(g) Three-Dimensional Concepts: Three-Dimensional Display Methods- Parallel Projection, Perspective Projection, Visible Line and surface Identification, Surface
Rendering, Three-Dimensional Object Representations- Bezier Curves and surfaces,
B-Spline Curves and surfaces
(h) Visibility, Image and object precision, Z-buffer algorithm, Floating horizons
(i) Computer Animations, Design of Animation Sequences, General Computer
Animation Functions- Raster Animations, Key-Frame Systems, Morphing, Simulating
Accelerations, Motion Specifications, Kinematics and Dynamics.
Professional Skill Development course
i) Effective communication in Business, Importance and benefits of effective
communication., Components of communication, The concepts and problems of
communication, Non-verbal communication.
ii) Seven C's of Effective Communication, The Process of preparing Effective
Business Messages.
iii) The Appearance and Design of Business messages, Business letters,
Memorandums, Special time saving message media.
iv) Persuasive Written Business, Short Reports, Long (Formal) Reports, Strategies
for Successful Speaking and Successful Listening, Strategies for Successful
Informative and Persuasive Speaking., Strategies for successful interpersonal
Communication, Strategies for successful Business and Group Meetings.
v) Activities: Communication Games, Report writing skills, Effective communication
Skills, Technical Project Report preparation
vi) Issues of basic human Psychology and value system.
vii) Negotiation Skills
communication., Components of communication, The concepts and problems of
communication, Non-verbal communication.
ii) Seven C's of Effective Communication, The Process of preparing Effective
Business Messages.
iii) The Appearance and Design of Business messages, Business letters,
Memorandums, Special time saving message media.
iv) Persuasive Written Business, Short Reports, Long (Formal) Reports, Strategies
for Successful Speaking and Successful Listening, Strategies for Successful
Informative and Persuasive Speaking., Strategies for successful interpersonal
Communication, Strategies for successful Business and Group Meetings.
v) Activities: Communication Games, Report writing skills, Effective communication
Skills, Technical Project Report preparation
vi) Issues of basic human Psychology and value system.
vii) Negotiation Skills
Electronics and Telecommunications Systems
Concept of Conductor, Semiconductor, Insulator. Semiconductor Diode, Forward
bias, Reverse Bias, Application of Diode as Rectifier, Introduction to Transistor (BJT,
FET), PNP, NPN Transistors their Characteristic. Introduction to Network Theorems:
- KVL,KCL, Superposition, Theremins, Nortons.
DC Biasing: - Fixed Bias, Emitter Stabilized bias,
Voltage- Divider Bias (including problems). Concept of Q-point. Application of
Transistor as Switch.
AC analysis of BJT Transistor using re model (including problems on Av, Ai, Zi, Zo),
Application of BJT as single stage Amplifier, Frequency response of single stage
Multistage Amplifiers:- (Basics concepts) RC coupled, cascade, Darlington pair, DC
Concept of Feedback:- Negative Feedback and its advantage in Amplification,
Positive Feedback :- Oscillators, Comparison between Oscillator and Amplifier, RC
Phase Shift Oscillator, LC Oscillator.
Switching Circuits Multivibrators : - Monostable using IC 555 and Actable using IC
555 (including problems),
Voltage Regulators: Need of Voltage regulation, Zener diode basics (including
problems on Zener diode), Series Voltage Regulation, Shunt Voltage Regulation,
Power Amplifiers: - Class A, B, AB. Design of Single stage Amplifier using BJT.
Introduction:- Need for modulation system, Concept of Modulation.
AM :- Definition of AM, Modulation index, Power relation in AM, Generation and
Demodulation of AM.
SSB:- Power requirement in comparison with AM, Advantages of SSB over AM,
Concept of Balanced Modulator, Generation of SSB, Pilot Carrier System,
Independent Side System, Vestigial Sideband Transmission.
FM: - Definition of FM, Bandwidth, Noise triangle, Per-emphasis and De- emphasis.
PM: - Definition of PM. Difference between AM and FM. Radio receivers. Pulse
Modulation:- Sampling Theorem, PAM, PTM, PWM, PPM, pulse code modulation,
Quantization noise, commanding, PCM system, differential PCM, Delta modulation.
Multiplexing: - FDM/TDM. Television:- Scanning, Composite Video signal, Television
Transmitter, television receiver.
Introduction to Digital Communication: PSK, ASK, FSK.
Introduction to fiber optics system:- Propagation of light in optical fiber; ray model .
Types of fiber : Single mode, steps index. Graded index. Signal distortion:
attenuation, dispersion. Optical sources: LED, LASERS. Optical Detectors and optics
links. Link Budget.
Concept of Conductor, Semiconductor, Insulator. Semiconductor Diode, Forward
bias, Reverse Bias, Application of Diode as Rectifier, Introduction to Transistor (BJT,
FET), PNP, NPN Transistors their Characteristic. Introduction to Network Theorems:
- KVL,KCL, Superposition, Theremins, Nortons.
DC Biasing: - Fixed Bias, Emitter Stabilized bias,
Voltage- Divider Bias (including problems). Concept of Q-point. Application of
Transistor as Switch.
AC analysis of BJT Transistor using re model (including problems on Av, Ai, Zi, Zo),
Application of BJT as single stage Amplifier, Frequency response of single stage
Multistage Amplifiers:- (Basics concepts) RC coupled, cascade, Darlington pair, DC
Concept of Feedback:- Negative Feedback and its advantage in Amplification,
Positive Feedback :- Oscillators, Comparison between Oscillator and Amplifier, RC
Phase Shift Oscillator, LC Oscillator.
Switching Circuits Multivibrators : - Monostable using IC 555 and Actable using IC
555 (including problems),
Voltage Regulators: Need of Voltage regulation, Zener diode basics (including
problems on Zener diode), Series Voltage Regulation, Shunt Voltage Regulation,
Power Amplifiers: - Class A, B, AB. Design of Single stage Amplifier using BJT.
Introduction:- Need for modulation system, Concept of Modulation.
AM :- Definition of AM, Modulation index, Power relation in AM, Generation and
Demodulation of AM.
SSB:- Power requirement in comparison with AM, Advantages of SSB over AM,
Concept of Balanced Modulator, Generation of SSB, Pilot Carrier System,
Independent Side System, Vestigial Sideband Transmission.
FM: - Definition of FM, Bandwidth, Noise triangle, Per-emphasis and De- emphasis.
PM: - Definition of PM. Difference between AM and FM. Radio receivers. Pulse
Modulation:- Sampling Theorem, PAM, PTM, PWM, PPM, pulse code modulation,
Quantization noise, commanding, PCM system, differential PCM, Delta modulation.
Multiplexing: - FDM/TDM. Television:- Scanning, Composite Video signal, Television
Transmitter, television receiver.
Introduction to Digital Communication: PSK, ASK, FSK.
Introduction to fiber optics system:- Propagation of light in optical fiber; ray model .
Types of fiber : Single mode, steps index. Graded index. Signal distortion:
attenuation, dispersion. Optical sources: LED, LASERS. Optical Detectors and optics
links. Link Budget.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Designing and Analysis of Algorithms reference
Kruse,Leung,Tondo, Data structures and Program Design in C, Prentice Hall,
Introduction to algorithms, Thomas Corman, R Ronald, PHI
vipul prakashan "DA"
Nurali prakashan "DA"
Introduction to algorithms, Thomas Corman, R Ronald, PHI
vipul prakashan "DA"
Nurali prakashan "DA"
Designing and Analysis of Algorithms
Introduction and analysis of algorithms, Elementary data Structures. Arrays, Linked
list, Stacks and Queues, Trees, Heaps and Heapsorts, Set and disjoint set union,
Graphs, Hashing. Divide And Conquer General method, Binary search, Finding the
maximum and minimum, Merge sort, Quick sort, Selection sort, Strassens matrix
multiplication. The Greedy Method, General method, Optimal storage on tapes, Knap
sack problem, Job sequencing with deadlines, Optimal merge patterns, Minimum
spanning trees, Single source shortage path. Basic Search And Traversal
Techniques The techniques of code optimization, AND/OR graphs, Game trees, Bi-
connected components and depth-first search. Breadth Search, Back Tracking
General method of 8-queens problem, Sum of subsets, Graph coloring, Hamilton
cycles, Knapsack problem.
list, Stacks and Queues, Trees, Heaps and Heapsorts, Set and disjoint set union,
Graphs, Hashing. Divide And Conquer General method, Binary search, Finding the
maximum and minimum, Merge sort, Quick sort, Selection sort, Strassens matrix
multiplication. The Greedy Method, General method, Optimal storage on tapes, Knap
sack problem, Job sequencing with deadlines, Optimal merge patterns, Minimum
spanning trees, Single source shortage path. Basic Search And Traversal
Techniques The techniques of code optimization, AND/OR graphs, Game trees, Bi-
connected components and depth-first search. Breadth Search, Back Tracking
General method of 8-queens problem, Sum of subsets, Graph coloring, Hamilton
cycles, Knapsack problem.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Mathematics II
Complex Numbers Cartesian, Polar & Exponential form, De-Moiver's theorem,
Vector Algebra and Vector Differentiation Product of three or more vector,
Gradient, divergence & applications, Integral Calculus Double Integral., Triple
Integral Differentiation under integral sign Error functions, Beta and Gamma
functions, Properties and duplication formula.
Fourier SeriesOrthogonal functions. Fourier series of even and odd functions.
Laplace Transform of all standard functions, Periodic function, inverse laplace
transform, application of laplace transform, Complex Variables Cauchy Riemann
Equations, Mapping Conformal Mapping & bilinear mapping, Concept of line
integral, Riemann integral, Singularities Poles, Evaluation of residues, Residue
Vector Algebra and Vector Differentiation Product of three or more vector,
Gradient, divergence & applications, Integral Calculus Double Integral., Triple
Integral Differentiation under integral sign Error functions, Beta and Gamma
functions, Properties and duplication formula.
Fourier SeriesOrthogonal functions. Fourier series of even and odd functions.
Laplace Transform of all standard functions, Periodic function, inverse laplace
transform, application of laplace transform, Complex Variables Cauchy Riemann
Equations, Mapping Conformal Mapping & bilinear mapping, Concept of line
integral, Riemann integral, Singularities Poles, Evaluation of residues, Residue
Introduction to Programming C Reference books
Let us C by Yaswant Kanetkar BPB
Balgurusamy C language
Nurali prakashan C
Vipul prakashan C
Balgurusamy C language
Nurali prakashan C
Vipul prakashan C
Introduction to Programming C
C Fundamentals
Character set, Identifiers and Keywords, Data Types, Constants, Variables and
Arrays, Declarations, Operators & Expressions, Library functions, Statements,
Symbolic Constants, Preprocessor directives
Data Input and Output
0getchar(), putchar(), scanf(), printf(), gets(), puts() functions
Control Statements
if-else, while, do-while, goto, for statements nested control structures, switch, break,
continue statements comma operator
Function prototypes, passing arguments to a function by value, recursion storage
classes, automatic, External, static, register variables in single file environment.
Defining - processing array, passing arrays to functions, Introduction to
multidimensional arrays, arrays and strings.
Declarations, Referencing and de-referencing, passing pointers to functions, pointer
to array, Operations on File using pointers.
Concept of Dynamic Allocation of Memory, Linked List.
Structures and Unions , Defining and processing a structure
Character set, Identifiers and Keywords, Data Types, Constants, Variables and
Arrays, Declarations, Operators & Expressions, Library functions, Statements,
Symbolic Constants, Preprocessor directives
Data Input and Output
0getchar(), putchar(), scanf(), printf(), gets(), puts() functions
Control Statements
if-else, while, do-while, goto, for statements nested control structures, switch, break,
continue statements comma operator
Function prototypes, passing arguments to a function by value, recursion storage
classes, automatic, External, static, register variables in single file environment.
Defining - processing array, passing arrays to functions, Introduction to
multidimensional arrays, arrays and strings.
Declarations, Referencing and de-referencing, passing pointers to functions, pointer
to array, Operations on File using pointers.
Concept of Dynamic Allocation of Memory, Linked List.
Structures and Unions , Defining and processing a structure
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Digital Computer Fundamentals Reference books
Digital Computer Fundamentals, Thomas C Bartee, TMG
William Stallings, Computer Organisation and Architecture - PHI,
William Stallings, Computer Organisation and Architecture - PHI,
Digital Computer Fundamentals
Introduction to 8085 microprocessor: - Organization of Microprocessor based
system, 8085 µp Architecture, Concept of Address line and Memory interfacing,
Address Decoding and Memory Interfacing, 8085 Programming Model, Instruction
Classification, Instruction Format, Stack and Subroutines, Developing Basic 8085
Introduction Modern day Computer Systems: - Organization and Architecture,
Structure and function.
System Buses: - Computer Components, Computer function, PCI: - Features of PCI
bus, Why PCI bus is needed? Concept of PCI Arbitration.
Internal Memory: - Concept of Cache Memory, Methods of Cache Mapping, Concept
and need for Cache coherency. External Memory: - RAID.
Input / Output - I/O Modules (What are I/O modules? Why do we require them? Etc.),
Concept of Programmed I/O, Concept of Interrupt Driver I/O, DMA
Operating System Support:- Basic Concepts, Batch, Multiprogramming and Time-
Sharing, scheduling , Scheduling, Memory Management.
CPU Organization - Register Organization (Classification of registers), Instruction
Cycle, Instruction Pipelining.
Concept of Parallel processing: - Multiprocessing: - Organization, Time-Shared Bus,
Multiport memory, Central Control unit, Multi processors.
system, 8085 µp Architecture, Concept of Address line and Memory interfacing,
Address Decoding and Memory Interfacing, 8085 Programming Model, Instruction
Classification, Instruction Format, Stack and Subroutines, Developing Basic 8085
Introduction Modern day Computer Systems: - Organization and Architecture,
Structure and function.
System Buses: - Computer Components, Computer function, PCI: - Features of PCI
bus, Why PCI bus is needed? Concept of PCI Arbitration.
Internal Memory: - Concept of Cache Memory, Methods of Cache Mapping, Concept
and need for Cache coherency. External Memory: - RAID.
Input / Output - I/O Modules (What are I/O modules? Why do we require them? Etc.),
Concept of Programmed I/O, Concept of Interrupt Driver I/O, DMA
Operating System Support:- Basic Concepts, Batch, Multiprogramming and Time-
Sharing, scheduling , Scheduling, Memory Management.
CPU Organization - Register Organization (Classification of registers), Instruction
Cycle, Instruction Pipelining.
Concept of Parallel processing: - Multiprocessing: - Organization, Time-Shared Bus,
Multiport memory, Central Control unit, Multi processors.
Introduction to Digital Electronics Reference Book
Fundamentals Digital electronics by RP Jain, TMG
Digital electronics by Derek Molly, PHI
Digital electronics by Derek Molly, PHI
Introduction to Digital Electronics
Number Systems and Codes:- Binary, Decimal , Octal, Hexadecimal and their inter-
conversions, Codes:- BCD, Excess-3, Gray code etc.
Digital electronic signals and switches: - Concept on digital signal, logic levels, Active
high, Active low signals, Switching Characteristic of Semiconductor diode,
Logic Gates: - AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, EX-OR, EX-NOR operations and their
truth table. Boolean algebra and reduction techniques: - K-Maps and Quine
Arithmetic Operations: - Binary Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division. 2s
Complement Subtraction. Circuits: - Half- Adder, Full Adder, Half Subtracter, Full
Subtracter, 2-bit by 2-bit Multiplier , Various Code convertors.
Multiplexers (MUX):- Working of MUX, Implementation of expression using MUX.
Demultiplexers (DEMUX):- Implementation of expression using DEMUX, Decoder.
FLIP FLOP s :- Concept of Sequential circuit, S-R, J-K , Preset & Clear, Master
Slave JK D , T Flip Flops their truth tables and excitation tables, Conversion from
one type to another type of Flip Flop. Registers. Logic families and their
characteristics :- Characteristic of Digital ICs .
conversions, Codes:- BCD, Excess-3, Gray code etc.
Digital electronic signals and switches: - Concept on digital signal, logic levels, Active
high, Active low signals, Switching Characteristic of Semiconductor diode,
Logic Gates: - AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, EX-OR, EX-NOR operations and their
truth table. Boolean algebra and reduction techniques: - K-Maps and Quine
Arithmetic Operations: - Binary Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division. 2s
Complement Subtraction. Circuits: - Half- Adder, Full Adder, Half Subtracter, Full
Subtracter, 2-bit by 2-bit Multiplier , Various Code convertors.
Multiplexers (MUX):- Working of MUX, Implementation of expression using MUX.
Demultiplexers (DEMUX):- Implementation of expression using DEMUX, Decoder.
FLIP FLOP s :- Concept of Sequential circuit, S-R, J-K , Preset & Clear, Master
Slave JK D , T Flip Flops their truth tables and excitation tables, Conversion from
one type to another type of Flip Flop. Registers. Logic families and their
characteristics :- Characteristic of Digital ICs .
Friday, December 11, 2009
Mathematics I Reference books
Shanti Narayan, Differential Calculus, Shamalal Charitable Trust, 1997
Nurali prakashan Mathematics I
Vipul prakashan Mathematics I
Nurali prakashan Mathematics I
Vipul prakashan Mathematics I
Mathematics I
Adjoint of a matrix,
Inverse of matrix,
Solving homogeneous & non-homogeneous equations,
Matrices Linear dependence and independence of rows and column matrix,
derogetory and non-derogetory matrices,
Eigne values and Eigen vectors,
Differential Equation of 1sr order 1st degree & application,
Differential Equation of higher order & application,
Successive differentiation,
Mean value theorems,
Partial Differentiation,
Euler's theorem,
Extreme values of function of two variables application.
Inverse of matrix,
Solving homogeneous & non-homogeneous equations,
Matrices Linear dependence and independence of rows and column matrix,
derogetory and non-derogetory matrices,
Eigne values and Eigen vectors,
Differential Equation of 1sr order 1st degree & application,
Differential Equation of higher order & application,
Successive differentiation,
Mean value theorems,
Partial Differentiation,
Euler's theorem,
Extreme values of function of two variables application.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
IITA reference books
Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prientice Hall of India
Information Technology for Management, Henry C. Lucas, McGraw Hill
Nurali prakashan IITA
Vipul prakashan IITA
Information Technology for Management, Henry C. Lucas, McGraw Hill
Nurali prakashan IITA
Vipul prakashan IITA
Introduction to Information theory and applications
i) Information - Definition, Characteristics & Interpretation, Data & its logical &
physical concepts
ii) Computers: History of Computers and their classification, Basic Organization,
Memory: - Primary RAM, ROM, EPROM etc. Secondary: - Magnetic-Floppy and
Hard disks. Optical: - CDROM, WORM etc. Concept of Virtual Memory and Cache
Memory and why are the needed, Computer Operation:- Instruction Cycle, Program
flow of control with and without interrupts, Computer Arithmetic:- Number systems
binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Binary Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication, Flotation
point representation and arithmetic, Arithmetic through stacks, Computer Language:
Introduction to computer language, Definition of assembler Compiler and Interpreter,
Basic concept of Data Base Management Systems.
iv) Communication:- Concept of Analog and Digital Signal , Channel Capacity
(Shannons Theorem), Transmission Impairments (Attenuation, Dispersion, etc),
Concept of Signal to Noise ratio, Encoding/ Decoding (Concept of Parity bit,
Hamming Code), Transmission Media (Twisted Pair, Coaxial Cables, Micro Wave ,
Optical Fiber and Satellite), A/D and D/A conversion, Definition and Concept of
Modulation, Communication technique- circuit switching, message switching and
packet switching - their advantages and disadvantages.
v) Networks: Type of Networks (LAN, MAN, WAN, etc), Network configuration: Basic
ISO - OSI, Protocols: - What is Protocol?, Why it is needed? ,Token ring, Internet :-
Introduction to Internet terminologies and concept of WWW, HTTP, e-mail, GIAS,
Search engine, Domain name etc.
physical concepts
ii) Computers: History of Computers and their classification, Basic Organization,
Memory: - Primary RAM, ROM, EPROM etc. Secondary: - Magnetic-Floppy and
Hard disks. Optical: - CDROM, WORM etc. Concept of Virtual Memory and Cache
Memory and why are the needed, Computer Operation:- Instruction Cycle, Program
flow of control with and without interrupts, Computer Arithmetic:- Number systems
binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Binary Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication, Flotation
point representation and arithmetic, Arithmetic through stacks, Computer Language:
Introduction to computer language, Definition of assembler Compiler and Interpreter,
Basic concept of Data Base Management Systems.
iv) Communication:- Concept of Analog and Digital Signal , Channel Capacity
(Shannons Theorem), Transmission Impairments (Attenuation, Dispersion, etc),
Concept of Signal to Noise ratio, Encoding/ Decoding (Concept of Parity bit,
Hamming Code), Transmission Media (Twisted Pair, Coaxial Cables, Micro Wave ,
Optical Fiber and Satellite), A/D and D/A conversion, Definition and Concept of
Modulation, Communication technique- circuit switching, message switching and
packet switching - their advantages and disadvantages.
v) Networks: Type of Networks (LAN, MAN, WAN, etc), Network configuration: Basic
ISO - OSI, Protocols: - What is Protocol?, Why it is needed? ,Token ring, Internet :-
Introduction to Internet terminologies and concept of WWW, HTTP, e-mail, GIAS,
Search engine, Domain name etc.
Monday, December 7, 2009
B.SC (IT) Course Passing Rules
There are certain rule for passing while first, second,third year
And with ATKT
(Allowed To Keep Term)
Click below for rules and regulation as per Mumbai University B.Sc.IT
B.Sc IT Passing Rule
And with ATKT
(Allowed To Keep Term)
Click below for rules and regulation as per Mumbai University B.Sc.IT
B.Sc IT Passing Rule
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Job of the Blog
This blog will give some info about details of the
course ,
subject detail's ,
portion ,
My comment on them ,
links to de notes of subject,
old question paper links ,
which book 2 refer, etc.
Rest is up to you
course ,
subject detail's ,
portion ,
My comment on them ,
links to de notes of subject,
old question paper links ,
which book 2 refer, etc.
Rest is up to you
B.SC (IT) Course
This Course is Degree course about three years in length. Which may not be as reputed as Engineering ,but it is good course for people who want IT-degree who may missed Engineering for some reason. In terms standard's it's better than Plain .
B.Sc (IT) is probably conducted by many universities in india. But as i stay MUMBAI most of details may be related to Mumbai University.
Qualification to B.Sc (IT) :
As many people know 12th (with maths) is required for admission for first year in B.Sc (IT) . But diploma people can also join (IT) , directly in 2nd year after their diploma.
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