Introduction to HTML/ DHTML: 1) Introduction to HTML/X-HTML: Document types(HTML elements, head elements, title & body element), element & character, the rules of HTML, X-HTML. 2) Core HTML attributes: ID attribute, class attribute, style attribute, title core language attribute, core events, heading, paragraphs & breaks, divisions & catering , spans , quotations, preformatted text, list ( ordered, unordered, definition list) , horizontal rules, address ( other block level element) , text level element , physical character formatting element, logical elements, inserted ; deleted text, character entities, comments. 3) Links addressing : basic concepts of URLs, linking in HTML ( The anchor element , link rendering ), anchor attribute , name attribute , title , accelerator keys, tab index, target , anchor & link relationship, image & anchor, image maps ( client server side ; their attributes) 4) Layouts with tables : introduction to tables ( simple table, row span, colspan attribute, background color, background images, data binding : tables generated from data source ) 5) Frames: overview of frames, simple frame, use of, frame layouts. 6) Using Forms to read the input from user. Introduction to ASP 1)Introduction: what are Active Server Pages, how they work, understanding ASP objects and components, running ASP pages - setting up PWS/ IIS, creating your first ASP page, understanding ASP scripts. 2)Working with variables: data types- integer, float, string, etc. VBScript operators, conditional statements - if..then, if..then..else, elseif, select case, looping logic - Do, Do While, Do until, While…Wend, for…next, for each…next, sub.. endsub 3)Request and Response objects: Response object - buffering page, page caching, Request object - QueryString collection, form collection, servervariables collection, Working with HTML forms - retrieving form data, using text boxes, text areas, radio buttons, check boxes, select lists, form validation. 4)Session and Application Object: Application object - global.asa file, creating and reading application variable Session object - introduction, storing session information, contents & identifying session, controlling when session ends, cookies - working, creating and reading. 5)Active server pages with Databases: Connections and Data sources - creating connections with OLE DB & ODBC, connecting to SQL Server with OLE DB & ODBC, closing an open connection Executing SQL statement with connection object - creating, inserting, updating, deleting, selecting a database table, advanced methods and properties 6)Working with Recordsets Retrieving a recordset, recordset fields, recordset cursor and locking types, Advanced methods & properties of recordset object - record count, scrolling, paging
This blog will give some info about details of the course ,subject detail's ,portion ,My comment on them , links to de notes of subject,old question paper links , which book 2 refer, etc.VB imp,Sql queries,notes.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Elective I :Web Design and Internet based Application
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