Chapter 1 –
1. What does cmdPush_Click mean? What does cmdPush in cmdPush_Click refer to? What does Click in cmdPush_Click refer to?
2. What is a Visual Basic event? Give some examples of events.
3. What is the purpose of Name property of a control?
4. What is the General Declarations section of a form module? What belongs there?
5. What are compile, run-time and logic errors, when do they occur and what might cause them?
6. What does context-sensitive Help mean? How can you use it to see the Help page for a command button?
Chapter 2 –
1. How does the behavior of option buttons differ from the behavior of check boxes?
2. If you want two groups of option buttons (five option buttons in each group) on a form, how can you make the groups operate independently?
3. Answer the following –
a. What is the purpose of key-board access keys? How do they operate at run-time?
b. What is a ToolTip? How can you make a ToolTip appear?
c. What is a focus? How can you set the focus to a particular control?
d. What is concatenation and when would it be used?
e. How to continue a very long VB statement onto another line?
f. What is the default property of a control? Give an example.
4. How are the With and End With statements used? Give an example.
Chapter 3 –
1. Distinguish between variables, constants, and controls.
2. Define Data type. Describe the various data types with the number of bytes occupied by them internally.
3. What do you mean by scope of a variable? Explain Procedure – level, Module – level and Global variables.
4. Explain the Naming Conventions and list the prefixes for the most common types of data types.
5. What is the purpose of the Val function?
6. What do you mean by Named and Intrinsic constants? Give one example for each.
7. Explain the following functions –
a. FormatCurrency
b. FormatNumber
c. FormatPercent
d. FormatDateTime
8. Write a short note on – Order of precedence.