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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How The Percentage System works for last Year

class is given as per semesters-wise for Semesters 1st , 2nd , 3rd and 4th for First two year of the course.But last year Semester V and VI will be consider together as one total for award of class i.e. in the Final Year IT.

-Award of class is based on passing in all theory papers at one sitting
-Passing in parts will be awarded Pass Class of the Cumulative percentage of marks.

  *Distinction is awarded for 75% and above.
   *First Class is awarded for 60% and above but below 75%.
    *Second Class is awarded for 50% and above but below 60%.
     *Pass class is awarded for all below 50%.


  1. Hello,
    i had failed in final exam with 1 KT, now i am giving ATKT Exam so what will be my statement of result if i score more than 55% or above 60%. and also, do they show all the marks in markskeet or only the KT exam marks like 'E' to other. plzzz respond if you know

  2. If you had a ATKT it will show PASS Class.

    Same thing happen to me and i passed in ATKT exam i got 57.8% on final mark sheet it showed PASS CLASS.

    Mark sheet shows + sign instead of 'E'.

  3. hello Vinit m DJ i got more than 70 up in last for sem of bscIT exam but i got 1 atkt for sql in fifth sem with 59 % if scored more than 65 % in 6th sem can be marks of TYbscit will displayed as first class result.

    1. Sorry to say but you will get pass class.

    2. ok and vinit can u give me the format of black book for the project and me and my frnds are making project on Lab management using C# and mysql plz can u suggest how to present it to external............DJ

    3. Hmmm To tell the truth you should follow the format given by the teacher and colleges, as they are the one who have give marks to black book.

      But if you still insist leave your Email ID Here.

  4. Hello sir,
    I hav 2 ATKT in sem 5 in SQL n VB....As per our knowledge in final year we get combined result of 5th n 6th sem....n if v hav kt in either of the sem den v only get Pass class.....!!
    Bt one of my teacher told me that if I giv the entire 5th sem again n clear all the subject den i wil not get Pass Class instead i would get a Class according to my dis right..?
    please help me...!!

    1. Answered At below link:

  5. i am frm 2010-11 BScIT batch. and yet failed to clear 2 subjects in sem VI ie.C# and IT.I have cleared V th sem.plz tell me sir should i need to give Whole TY again or just that 2 subjects? what r the rules for reappearing,and is there any syllabus change?

  6. hello sir
    my quetion is that
    if i failed in sem 5 in all subject.then m i eligible for 6th sem examination
