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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Data Communication and Networking Standards Refernce Books

Behrouz A Forouzan, “Data communications and Networking”, Fourth Edition , Mc-Graw
Achyut Godbole, “Data communications and Networks, TMH
Dr.Sidnie Feit, “TCP/IP” ,Second Edition, TMH
W.Stallings,”Data and Computer Communications”,Eight Edition,Pearson Education

Data Communication and Networking Standards Sem 2

Introduction to data communications and networking Introduction, Fundamental concepts, Data communications, Protocol, standards, standard organizations, signal propagation, analog and digital
signals, bandwidth of signal and a medium, Fourier analysis and the concept of bandwidth of a signal, The data transmission rate and bandwidth.

Network Models
Layered Tasks, The OSI reference model , Layers in the OSI reference model , TCP/IP protocol suite , Addressing IPv4

Information Encoding , Errors Detection and Correction Introduction, Representing different symbols, Minimizing errors , Multimedia , Multimedia and Data compression. Error classification, types
of errors, redundancy, detection versus correction , hamming distance , cyclic redundancy check.

Media and Transmission modes
Data and signals, Periodic analog signals, Digital signals, Transmission impairment, Data rate limits, Performance, Digital to digital, Analog to digital conversion , Transmission modes, Digital to analog conversion , Analog to analog conversion, Guided media and Unguided media 

Network topologies ,Switching and routing algorithms Mesh, star, tree, ring, bus, hybrid, switching basics , circuit switching, packet switching and Message switching , routing algorithms

IP version 6
Overview , Terminology, IPv6 addresses , Special addresses , IP v 6 header
formats, IPv6 extension headers , IPv6 autoconfiguration , configuration via
DHCP v6 , IPv6 transition

DBMS Reference Books

A Silberschatz, H Korth, S Sudarshan, “Database System and Concepts”, fifth Edition McGraw-
Hill ,
Rob, Coronel, “Database Systems”, Seventh Edition, Cengage Learning

DBMS Sem 2

Introduction to Databases and Transactions :
What is database system, purpose of database system, view of data,
relational databases, database architecture, transaction management,

Data Models : The importance of data models, Basic building blocks, Business rules, The evolution of data models, Degrees of data abstraction.

Database Design, ER-Diagram and Unified Modeling Language: Database design and ER Model:overview, ER-Model, Constraints, ERDiagrams, ERD Issues, weak entity sets, Codd’s rules, Relational
Schemas, Introduction to UML

Relational database model: Logical view of data, keys, integrity rules. Relational Database design: features of good relational database design, atomic domain and Normalization (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF).

Relational Algebra and Calculus: Relational algebra: introduction, Selection and projection, set operations, renaming, Joins, Division, syntax, semantics. Operators, grouping and ungrouping, relational comparison.
Calculus: Tuple relational calculus, Domain relational Calculus, calculus vs algebra, computational capabilities.

Constraints, Views and SQL: What is constraints, types of constrains, Integrity constraints, Views: Introduction to views, data independence, security, updates on views, comparison between tables and views
SQL: data definition, aggregate function, Null Values, nested sub queries, Joined relations. Triggers.

Transaction management and Concurrency control: Transaction management: ACID properties, serializability and concurrency control, Lock based concurrency control (2PL, Deadlocks),Time stamping methods, optimistic methods, database recovery management.

Microprocessor and microcontrollers Reference Books

William Stallings, “Computer Organisation and Architecture” ( 4th Edition ) - PHI, 1998.
Andrew C. Tanenbaum, “Structured Computer Organisation” (3rd Edition) -, PHI.
Computer System Architecture - M. Morris Memo, PHI, 1998.
John P Hayes, “Computer Architecture and Organisation” - McGraw Hill, 1998.
Digital Computer Fundamentals, Malvino
Microprocessor Architecture and Programming and Applications with the 8085, R.S. Gaonkar,
PRI (3rd Edition)
Digital Computer Fundamentals, Thomas C Bartee, TMG
The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded systems by M. A. Mazidi, J. G. Mazidi and R. D.
McKinlay, Pearson Education.

Microprocessor and microcontrollers Sem 2

Logic Devices: Tristate devices, buffers, encoder, decoder, latches. Types of memories, memory organization, concept of control lines such as read/write, chip enable.

Introduction to 8085 microprocessor: - Organization of Microprocessor based system, 8085 μp Architecture, Concept of Address line and Memory interfacing, Address Decoding and Memory Interfacing,

8085 Programming Model, Instruction Classification, Instruction Format, 8085 Instruction Set

Introduction to Modern day Computer Systems: - Organization and Architecture, Structure and function.
System Buses: - Computer Components, Computer function, PCI:- Features of PCI bus, Why PCI bus is needed? Concept of PCI Arbitration.

Internal Memory: - Concept of Cache Memory, Methods of Cache Mapping, Concept and need for Cache coherency. External Memory: - RAID.

The 8051 Microcontroller: Introduction and overview of 8051 family, 8051 Assembly Language
Programming, Jumps, Loops and call instructions.

8051 I/O port programming, Addressing Modes, Arithmetic and Logical instructions.

Applied Mathematics – II Reference Books

Differential Calculus by Shanti Narayan.
B. S. Grewal, “Higher Engineering Mathematics.
Advanced Engineering Mathematics: R.K.Jain, S.R.K. Iyengar, Narosa Publishing House.
Engineering Mathematics : T Veerajan, Tata McGraw-Hill
Integral Transforms: A. R. Vasishta, Dr. R.K. Gupta, Krishna Prakashan Mandir.

Applied Mathematics – II Sem 2

Complex Numbers: Cartesian, Polar & Exponential form, De-Moivre's theorem, Hyperbolic functions, Logarithms of Complex numbers

Complex Variables : Cauchy Riemann Equations, , Conformal Mapping and Bilinear Mapping, concept of Line Integral, Riemann Integral, Singularities –Poles, Evaluation of Residues theorem.

Laplace Transform: Introduction, Definition, Properties of Laplace Transform, Laplace Transform of standard function.
Inverse Laplace Transform: Inverse Laplace Transform , Methods of obtaining Inverse Laplace transform, Laplace transform of Periodic Functions, Heavyside Unit-step Function, Dirac-delta function (Unit Impulse Function), Application of Inverse Laplace transform to solve differential equations.

Differentiation under Integral sign, Beta and Gamma Functions, Properties and Duplication Formula, Error Functions

Fourier Series: Fourier Series, Change of Interval, Even and odd functions, Half range
Fourier Transform and Inverse Fourier Transform:
Fourier transform of Even and Odd functions, Fourier Transform of sine and cosine functions

Integral Calculus: Double Integral, Area, Triple Integral, Volume

Web Designing and Programming Reference Books

References :

 Web Design The Complete Reference, Thomas Powell, Tata McGrawHill
 HTML and XHTML The Complete Reference, Thomas Powell, Tata McGrawHill
 JavaScript 2.0: The Complete Reference, Second Edition by Thomas Powell and Fritz Schneider
 PHP: The Complete Reference By Steven Holzner, Tata McGrawHill

Web Designing and Programming Sem 2

Internet and WWW : What is Internet?, Introduction to internet and its applications, E-mail, telnet, FTP, e-commerce, video conferencing, ebusiness.

Internet service providers, domain name server, internet address World Wide Web (WWW) : World Wide Web and its evolution, uniform resource locator (URL), browsers – internet explorer, netscape navigator,
opera, firefox, chrome, mozilla. search engine, web saver – apache, IIS, proxy server, HTTP protocol

HTML and Graphics : HTML Tag Reference, Global Attributes, Event Handlers, Document Structure Tags, Formatting Tags, Text Level formatting, Block Level formatting, List Tags, Hyperlink tags, Image and Image maps, Table tags, Form Tags, Frame Tags, Executable content tag Imagemaps : What are Imagemaps?, Client-side Imagemaps, Serverside Imagemaps, Using Server-side and Client-side Imagemaps together, Alternative text for Imagemaps,

Tables : Introduction to HTML tables and their structure, The table tags, Alignment, Aligning Entire Table, Alignment within a row, Alignment within a cell, Attributes, Content Summary, Background Color, Adding a Caption, Setting the width, Adding a border, Spacing within a cell, Spacing between the cells, Spanning multiple rows or columns, Elements that can be placed in a table, Table Sections and column properties, Tables as a design tool

Frames : Introduction to Frames, Applications, Frames document, The tag, Nesting tag, Placing content in frames with the tag, Targeting named frames, Creating floating frames, Using Hidden frames,

Forms : Creating Forms, The
tag, Named Input fields, The text tag, Multiple lines text windows, Drop down and list boxes, Hidden, Text, Text Area, Password, File Upload, Button, Submit,
Reset, Radio, Checkbox, Select, Option, Forms and Scripting, Action Buttons, Labelling input files, Grouping related fields, Disabled and read-only fields, Form field event handlers, Passing form data
Style Sheets : What are style sheets?, Why are style sheets valuable?,

Different approaches to style sheets, Using Multiple approaches, Linking to style information in s separate file, ,Setting up style information, Using the tag, Embedded style information, Using

Introduction to C++ programming Reference Books

Problem Solving with C++ , Walter Savitch, Sixth Edition, Pearson Education.
J.R.Hubbard, Schaum’s outlines “Programming with C++”, Second Edition, Tata McGrawHill
Y.P.Kanetkar, “Let us C++” , seventh edition, BPB publication
Reference Books: Object Oriented programming with C++ , E Balagurusamy , Third Edition , Tata McGraw Hill.

Introduction to C++ programming Sem 1

Programming Logic and techniques : Algorithms, Flow-charts, Program Design, Introduction to C++: Origin of C++, A Sample C++ program, pitfall and programming tips. Testing and Debugging.

C++ concepts : Variables and Assignments: variables, identifiers, variable declarations, Assignment Statements, reference variable, symbolic constant, Input and Output: cin, cout, escape sequences, include directives and Namespaces, Indenting and Comments, Operator precedence, Data types and expressions, Arithmetic operators, Type compatibilities.

Flow of Control : Compound statements, Loops: while, for, do while, nested loops, Decision making: if – else, nested if else, switch , break and continue, Manipulators: endl , setw,sizeof, Increment and decrement operators, Type Cast Operators, Scope resolution operators

Functions: Function Prototypes, built in functions and user defined functions, Function overloading, Call by reference, Call by value, const member functions. Inline Functions and recursive functions, Math Library Functions.

Derived Data types ( Arrays , pointers , functions) : Introduction to arrays, arrays in functions, 2-D arrays , Multidimensional arrays, Introduction to pointers, void pointers, pointers in function, pointer to constant and constant pointer, generic pointer.

Strings, Vectors and Structures : String functions: strcmp, strcat, strlen,
strcpy . Vector Basics. Introduction to Structures.

Electronics and Communication Technology Reference Book

Allen Mottershead, “Electronic Devices and Circuits”, PHI
Boylstead and Neshelesky , “Electronics Devices and Circuits”, 4th , PHI, 1999.
Simon Haykin, “An Introduction to Analog and Digital communications”, John Wiley and Sons, 1994.
R.B Carlson, “Communication Systems”, MacGraw Hill.
George Kennedy, “Electrical Communication systems”, Tata McGraw Hill 1993.
Roody Collin, “Electronics Communication”, PHI
J. Millman and A Grabel, “ Microelectronics” MacGraw Hill 1988.
Proakis J. J, “Digital Communications” Mc Graw Hill.
Digital Communications by TAUB Schilling
Electronic Communication Systems, Roy Blake Delmar, Thompson Learning
Introduction To telecommunications, Anu A Gokhale, Delmar Thompson Learning

Electronics and Communication Technology Sem 1

Concept of Conductor, Semiconductor, Insulator. Semiconductor Diode, Forward bias, Reverse Bias, Application of Diode as Rectifier, Zener diode and its applications, Introduction to Transistor (BJT,
FET), PNP, NPN Transistors their Characteristic. Application of Transistor as amplifier and as a Switch.

Concept of amplification, amplifier notations, Av, Ai, Ap Zi, Zo), Application of BJT as single stage Amplifier, Frequency response of single stage Amplifier. Multistage Amplifiers:- (Basics concepts) RC
coupled, cascade, Darlington pair, DC amplifiers.

Concept of Feedback:- Negative Feedback and its advantage in Amplification, Positive Feedback :- Oscillators, RC Phase Shift Oscillator, LC Oscillator.
Switching Circuits Multivibrators :- Monostable using IC 555 and Astable using IC 555 (including problems)

Introduction:- Need for modulation system, Concept of Modulation. AM :- Definition of AM, Modulation index, Power relation in AM, Generation and Demodulation of AM. SSB:- Power requirement in comparison with AM, Advantages of SSB over AM, Concept of Balanced Modulator, Generation of SSB, Pilot Carrier System, Independent Side System, Vestigial Sideband Transmission.

FM: - Definition of FM, Bandwidth, Noise triangle, Per-emphasis and De- emphasis. PM: - Definition of PM. Difference between AM and FM. Radio receivers. Pulse Modulation:- Sampling Theorem, PAM,
PTM, PWM, PPM, pulse code modulation, Quantization noise, companding, PCM system, differential PCM, Delta modulation.

Multiplexing: - FDM/TDM. Television:- Scanning, Composite Video
signal, Television Transmitter, television receiver.

Introduction to Digital Communication: PSK, ASK, FSK. Introduction to fibre optics system:- Propagation of light in optical fibre; ray model . Types of fibre : Single mode, steps index. Graded index. Signal distortion: attenuation, dispersion. Optical sources: LED, LASERS. Optical Detectors and optics links. Link Budget.

Fundamentals of Digital Computing Reference books

Text Books: Modern Digital Electronics by R. P. Jain, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill
Digital Design and Computer Organisation by Dr. N. S. Gill and J. B. Dixit,
University Science Press
Linux Commands by Bryan Pfaffaenberger BPB Publications
UNIX by Sumitabha Das, TMH

References: Digital Principles and Applications by Malvino and Leach, McGrawHill
Introduction to Computers by Peter Norton, McGraw Hill

Fundamentals of Digital Computing Sem 1

Data and Information: Features of Digital Systems,
Number Systems:
Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal & their inter conversions, Representation of Data: Signed Magnitude, one’s complement & two’s complement, Binary Arithmetic, Fixed point representation and Floating
point representation of numbers.

Codes : BCD, XS-3, Gray code, hamming code, alphanumeric codes (ASCII, EBCDIC, UNICODE), Error detecting and error correcting codes.

Boolean Algebra: Basic gates (AND, OR, NOT gates), Universal gates (NAND and NOR gates), other gates (XOR, XNOR gates). Boolean identities, De Morgan Laws. Karnaugh maps: SOP and POS forms, Quine McClusky method.

Combinational Circuits:
Half adder, full adder, code converters, combinational circuit design, Multiplexers and demultiplexers, encoders, decoders, Combinational design using mux and demux.

Sequential Circuit Design:
Flip flops (RS, Clocked RS, D, JK, JK Master Slave, T, Counters, Shift registers and their types, Counters: Synchronous and Asynchronous counters.

Computers: Basic Organization, Memory: ROM, RAM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Secondary Memory: Hard Disk & optical Disk, Cache Memory, I/O devices

Operating Systems:
Types (real Time, Single User / Single Tasking, Single user / Multi tasking, Multi user / Multi tasking, GUI based OS. Overview of desktop operating systems-Windows and LINUX.

Applied Mathematics I Reference Book

Text Books:
Engineering Mathematics A tutorial approach by R. R. Singh and Mukul Bhatt, TMH 2010
Text Book of Applied Mathematics Vol I and Vol II. P.N. Wartikar & J.N. Wartikar, Pune
Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan

Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. V. Ramana, McGrawHill
Differential Calculus by Shanti Narayan. S. Chand.
Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S. Grewal, Khanna Publications
Vector Analysis by Murray Spiegel, McGrawHill
Matrices by Vashistha, S. Chand

Applied Mathematics I Sem 1

Minors and Cofactors, Adjoint of a square matrix, Inverse of a matrix.
Rank of a matrix, Solution of Homogeneous and non homogeneous
linear Equations using Matrix method.

Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors:
Vectors, linear combination of vectors, Inner Product of two vectors,
characteristic equation, Eigen Vector, Cayley- Hamilton Theorem,
Similarity of Matrices, Derogatory and Non-derogatory matrices,
Complex Matrices: Hermitian, skew-Hermitian and Unitary matrices
and their properties.

Vector Calculus:
Vector Differentiation: Vector Operator Del, Gradient, and
Geometrical Meaning of gradient, Divergence and Curl.

Differential Equations:
Differential Equations of 1st order and 1st degree and applications

Linear Differential Equations:
Linear Differential equations with constant coefficient, Differential
equations of higher order and applications.

Successive differentiation, Mean Value theorems, Partial
differentiation, Euler’s Theorem, Approximation and errors, Maxima
and Minima

Professional Communication skills Reference Books

Professional Communication by Aruna Koneru, McGrawHill
Effective Business Communication by Herta A Murphy, Herbert W Hildebrandt, Jane P
Thomas, McGrawHill

Business Communication, Lesikar and Petit, McGrawHill
Communication Skills Handbook, Summers, Wiley, India
Business Communication (Revised Edition), Rai and Rai, Himalaya Publishing House
Business Correspondence and Report Writing by R. C. Sharma and Krishna Mohan, TMH.

Professional Communication skills Sem I

The Seven Cs of Effective Communication
Completeness, Conciseness, Consideration, Concreteness, Clarity,Courtesy, Correctness

Communication: Its interpretation
Basics, Nonverbal Communication, Barriers to Communication

Business Communication at Work Place:
Letter Components and Layout, Planning a letter, Process of Letter writing, E-mail Communication, Memo and Memo reports, Employment Communication, Notice agenda and Minutes of meeting, Brochures

Report Writing
Effective writing, types of business reports, structure of reports, gathering information, organization of the material, writing abstracts and summaries, writing definitions, visual aids, user instruction manual.

Required Skills
Reading skills, listening skills, note-making, précis writing, audiovisual aids, oral communication

Mechanics of Writing
Transitions, Spelling rules, hyphenation, transcribing numbers, Abbreviating technical and non-technical terms, Proof reading.

New Syllabus For F.Y.Bsc.IT

First Year Semester I Subjects

  • Professional Communication skills
  • Applied Mathematics – I
  •  Fundamentals of Information Technology
  • Electronics and Communication Technology 
  • Introduction to C++ programming
Click Here to get redirected to Sem I subjects
First Year Semester II subject

  • Web Designing and Programming 
  •  Applied Mathematics – II 
  •  Micro processor and micro controllers 
  •  Database Management Systems 
  •  Data Communication and Networking Standards
Click Here to get redirected to Sem II subjects