Data and Information: Features of Digital Systems,
Number Systems:
Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal & their inter conversions, Representation of Data: Signed Magnitude, one’s complement & two’s complement, Binary Arithmetic, Fixed point representation and Floating
point representation of numbers.
Codes : BCD, XS-3, Gray code, hamming code, alphanumeric codes (ASCII, EBCDIC, UNICODE), Error detecting and error correcting codes.
Boolean Algebra: Basic gates (AND, OR, NOT gates), Universal gates (NAND and NOR gates), other gates (XOR, XNOR gates). Boolean identities, De Morgan Laws. Karnaugh maps: SOP and POS forms, Quine McClusky method.
Combinational Circuits:
Half adder, full adder, code converters, combinational circuit design, Multiplexers and demultiplexers, encoders, decoders, Combinational design using mux and demux.
Sequential Circuit Design:
Flip flops (RS, Clocked RS, D, JK, JK Master Slave, T, Counters, Shift registers and their types, Counters: Synchronous and Asynchronous counters.
Computers: Basic Organization, Memory: ROM, RAM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Secondary Memory: Hard Disk & optical Disk, Cache Memory, I/O devices
Operating Systems:
Types (real Time, Single User / Single Tasking, Single user / Multi tasking, Multi user / Multi tasking, GUI based OS. Overview of desktop operating systems-Windows and LINUX.
Number Systems:
Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal & their inter conversions, Representation of Data: Signed Magnitude, one’s complement & two’s complement, Binary Arithmetic, Fixed point representation and Floating
point representation of numbers.
Codes : BCD, XS-3, Gray code, hamming code, alphanumeric codes (ASCII, EBCDIC, UNICODE), Error detecting and error correcting codes.
Boolean Algebra: Basic gates (AND, OR, NOT gates), Universal gates (NAND and NOR gates), other gates (XOR, XNOR gates). Boolean identities, De Morgan Laws. Karnaugh maps: SOP and POS forms, Quine McClusky method.
Combinational Circuits:
Half adder, full adder, code converters, combinational circuit design, Multiplexers and demultiplexers, encoders, decoders, Combinational design using mux and demux.
Sequential Circuit Design:
Flip flops (RS, Clocked RS, D, JK, JK Master Slave, T, Counters, Shift registers and their types, Counters: Synchronous and Asynchronous counters.
Computers: Basic Organization, Memory: ROM, RAM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Secondary Memory: Hard Disk & optical Disk, Cache Memory, I/O devices
Operating Systems:
Types (real Time, Single User / Single Tasking, Single user / Multi tasking, Multi user / Multi tasking, GUI based OS. Overview of desktop operating systems-Windows and LINUX.
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