Table Structure
(orderno, orderdate, customerID, salesmanid, paymentStatus, TransactionType, paymentdate)
(Orderno, ProductID, Qty, Rate, Amt)
i) Display the order, which were issued in first Quarter of Current year
Select orderno from sales_header where to_char(orderDate,’mm’)<4 and to_char(orderDate,’yy’) = to_char(sysdate,’yy’)
ii) Display the order number, order date, customer id and order amount for orders having value of 500 Rs.
select orderno,orderdate,cutomerid, amt from sales_header as h, sales_detail as d
where h.orderno = d.orderno and amt>=500
iii) Display the order detail where RIN001 soap is sold for Min of 50 Rs
select h.* from sales_header as h, sales_detail as d
where h.orderno = d.orderno and productid=’RIN001’ and amt>=50
iv) Display the order collected by Executive no ‘S120’
select orderno, amt from sales_header as h, sales_detail as d
where h.orderno = d.orderno and h.salesmanid = ‘S120’
v) Display the unpaid order in ascending order of Order no
select orderno, orderdate from sales_header
where paymentstatus = ‘unpaid’ order by orderno
vi) Assign the privileges to see the data from both tables to ‘Raj’
Grant select on sales_header, sales_details to ‘Raj’
vii) Display the various types of product sold to customers.
Select distinct productid from sales_header as h, sales_details as d where h.orderno = d.orderno
viii) Display all credit transaction, with their payment status done in Dec. 2003
select * from sales_header where transactiontype=’credit’ and paymentstatus = ‘paid’ and to_char(paymentdate,’mon-yyyy’) = ‘dec-2003’
xi) Display the details of total cash transaction done by each sales executives.
Select * , sum(amt) from sales_header as h, sales_detail as d where h.orderno = d.orderno and transactiontype = ‘cash’ and paymentstatus = ‘paid’ group by salesmanid
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