Chapter 10 –
What do you mean by file organization? What are the different types of file organization?
What are the differences between a random file and a sequential file?
What are the three steps necessary to process data files?
List/tabulate and explain the file modes for data files.
What is the significance of a file number? What function can be used to determine an available file number?
Explain the differences between the Output and Append modes.
What is the format for the statements to read and write sequential files?
Explain what occurs when an Open statement is executed?
Explain the function EOF(N).
When would an On Error statement be used? Explain the three forms of the On Error statement.
Explain the function and use of the Err object. Explain its Source, Number and Description properties.
Explain the following –
QueryUnload event
The Raise method
The Resume statement and its three forms
Exit Sub and Exit Function statements
Get and Put statements
LOF function
Trim, LTrim and RTrim functions
How do we read and write a random file?
What does updating a data file mean?
Give example for using the InputBox function.
Chapter 11 –
Explain the difference between a data control and a data-bound control. List all controls that can be data bound or data aware.
Explain the BOF and EOF properties.
Explain the following properties –
Explain the following methods –
What steps are needed to add a new record to a database?
What steps are needed to delete a record from a database?
What steps are needed to change the data in a database record?
How can you check for the user deleting the only record in a Recordset?
Describe the following terms – file, record, current record, table, row, column, field, and key field w.r.t. a database.
Chapter 12 –
Differentiate among tables, dynasets, and snapshots recordsets
For which type(s) of recordset is a Find valid (FindFirst, FindNext, FindLast, or FindPrevious)? What types of data can be searched for with a Find?
For which type(s) of recordset is a Seek valid? Which fields in a recordset can be searched with a Seek?
What is SQL, and how is it used in Visual Basic?
When does a control's Validate event occur? How is the Cancel argument used? Explain the property Causes Validation.
Explain the following –
RecordCount and AbsolutePosition properties (write a small piece if code to display the record count and record number)
Reposition event
Explain the methods – FindFirst, FindLast, FindPrevious and FindNext
NoMatch property
BookMark property
Write a short note on MS DB Grid. Explain some of its properties.
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