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Monday, November 15, 2010

Rules For Revaluation Mumbai University B.Sc.IT

 Here are Some rules u need to know before applying for Revaluation For third Year (T.Y.B.Sc.IT)

1.You should have minimum of 20 marks for applying for Revaluation . If u dont have 20 minimum ,if they Appect Your Form no change will be made to your marks.

2.Changes too Your marks will effect if there is more than 4marks change in ur marks.


1. Don't give for revaluation if ur written less marks paper

2. Don't ever hope that the result of revaluation is going come out before one month or so ,of the ATKT exam. It nearly come before one week or after the exam. So Study For ATKT exam, dont depend of Revaluation.

3. Don't give for revaluation If have below 25 marks , passing from that is very very rare.

4. And You cant give one paper for revaluation twice.(after first revaluation is done)

5. Don't get excited if get a change of marks below 4 marks , it doesn't get counted in original marks

6. And last Dont ever give For revaluation if u have 40 Marks ,bcoz there are more chances of them failing u . (THIS Happened to a Friend of mine ) Even if you think u have written the paper really good ,Plz think more than twice before applying.

Any doubt write in Comments.........

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Table Structure

(BookID, Title, Author, Publishers, Price, DistID)
(DistID, Name, City)

i) Display the details of books whose price is more than the average price of all books.

Select * from book where price > ( select avg(price) from book)

ii) Display the details of books written by ‘Groff’ and published by ‘TMGH’

select * from book where Author=’Groff’ and publisher=’TMGH’

iii) Create a view to show Title, Author, Publisher and Distributor’s Name & name this view as ShowDetails.

create view ShowDetails (Title, Author, Publisher, Distributor)
as select title, author, publisher, name
from book , distributor
where book.distid = distributor.distid.


Table Structure
(Empid, Ename, CompID, salary, Joindate, Gender, City)
(CompID, CompName, City)

 i) Give name of companies located in those cities where TATA is located.

 Select companyName from company
where city in (select city from company where companyName = ‘TATA’)
 ii) Give the name of the employees living in the same city where their company is located.

Select ename from Emp e, company c
iii) Update salary of employee ‘Raj’ by giving him the salary of ‘Radha’ working in same company.

update Emp set salary = (select salary from Emp where Ename = ‘Radha’)
where Ename = ‘Raj’
and compid = (Select compid from emp where ename=’Radha’)

iv) Display how many male and female members have joined in January 2004.
Select count(ename) from emp
group by gender having to_char(joindate,’mon-yyyy’)=’jan-2004’

v) Display the total number of companies located in each city.

Select count(compid) from company group by city


Table Structure

(orderno, orderdate, customerID, salesmanid, paymentStatus, TransactionType, paymentdate)
(Orderno, ProductID, Qty, Rate, Amt)

i) Display the order, which were issued in first Quarter of Current year

Select orderno from sales_header where to_char(orderDate,’mm’)<4 and to_char(orderDate,’yy’) = to_char(sysdate,’yy’)

ii) Display the order number, order date, customer id and order amount for orders having value of 500 Rs.

select orderno,orderdate,cutomerid, amt from sales_header as h, sales_detail as d
where h.orderno = d.orderno and amt>=500

iii) Display the order detail where RIN001 soap is sold for Min of 50 Rs

select h.* from sales_header as h, sales_detail as d
where h.orderno = d.orderno and productid=’RIN001’ and amt>=50

iv) Display the order collected by Executive no ‘S120’

select orderno, amt from sales_header as h, sales_detail as d
where h.orderno = d.orderno and h.salesmanid = ‘S120’

v) Display the unpaid order in ascending order of Order no

select orderno, orderdate from sales_header
where paymentstatus = ‘unpaid’ order by orderno

vi) Assign the privileges to see the data from both tables to ‘Raj’

Grant select on sales_header, sales_details to ‘Raj’

vii) Display the various types of product sold to customers.

Select distinct productid from sales_header as h, sales_details as d where h.orderno = d.orderno

viii) Display all credit transaction, with their payment status done in Dec. 2003

select * from sales_header where transactiontype=’credit’ and paymentstatus = ‘paid’ and to_char(paymentdate,’mon-yyyy’) = ‘dec-2003’

xi) Display the details of total cash transaction done by each sales executives.

Select * , sum(amt) from sales_header as h, sales_detail as d where h.orderno = d.orderno and transactiontype = ‘cash’ and paymentstatus = ‘paid’ group by salesmanid

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Vb Important Question per Chapters 10,11,12

Chapter 10 –

What do you mean by file organization? What are the different types of file organization?

What are the differences between a random file and a sequential file?

What are the three steps necessary to process data files?
List/tabulate and explain the file modes for data files.
What is the significance of a file number? What function can be used to determine an available file number?

Explain the differences between the Output and Append modes.

What is the format for the statements to read and write sequential files?

Explain what occurs when an Open statement is executed?

Explain the function EOF(N).

When would an On Error statement be used? Explain the three forms of the On Error statement.

Explain the function and use of the Err object. Explain its Source, Number and Description properties.

Explain the following –
QueryUnload event
The Raise method
The Resume statement and its three forms
Exit Sub and Exit Function statements
Get and Put statements
LOF function
Trim, LTrim and RTrim functions

How do we read and write a random file?

What does updating a data file mean?

Give example for using the InputBox function.

Chapter 11 –

Explain the difference between a data control and a data-bound control. List all controls that can be data bound or data aware.

Explain the BOF and EOF properties.

Explain the following properties –

Explain the following methods –

What steps are needed to add a new record to a database?

What steps are needed to delete a record from a database?

What steps are needed to change the data in a database record?

How can you check for the user deleting the only record in a Recordset?

Describe the following terms – file, record, current record, table, row, column, field, and key field w.r.t. a database.

Chapter 12 –

Differentiate among tables, dynasets, and snapshots recordsets

For which type(s) of recordset is a Find valid (FindFirst, FindNext, FindLast, or FindPrevious)? What types of data can be searched for with a Find?

For which type(s) of recordset is a Seek valid? Which fields in a recordset can be searched with a Seek?

What is SQL, and how is it used in Visual Basic?

When does a control's Validate event occur? How is the Cancel argument used? Explain the property Causes Validation.

Explain the following –

RecordCount and AbsolutePosition properties (write a small piece if code to display the record count and record number)

Reposition event

Explain the methods – FindFirst, FindLast, FindPrevious and FindNext

NoMatch property

BookMark property

Write a short note on MS DB Grid. Explain some of its properties.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Vb Important Question per Chapters 7,8,9

Chapter 07 –

1. Explain List Box and Combo Box controls.

2. Name and describe the three styles of combo boxes.

3. Explain the following properties –

a. ListCount
b. ListIndex
c. List
d. AddItem
e. Clear
f. RemoveItem
g. Sorted

4. What are the different loop-constructs in VB?

5. Explain the difference between a pretest and a posttest in a Do/Loop.

6. Explain the differences between a Do/Loop and a For/Next loop.

7. How do the Left, Right, Mid and Len functions operate?

8. What is the purpose of Printer.Print? How do you control the horizontal spacing of printer output?

Chapter 08 –

1. Define the following terms –
a. Array
b. Element
c. Subscript
d. Array of controls
e. Subscripted variable

2. Why would a list box control need both a ListIndex property and an ItemData property?

3. How to setup and use a control array?

4. Explain Select Case statement with an example.

5. Explain the use of For Each/Next in traversing the array.

6. Write a short note on user defined data types. Give an example.

7. What do you mean by multidimensional array? How do we implement it?

Chapter 09 –

1. Explain the difference between ByVal and ByRef. When is each used?

2. What actions trigger the Initialize event and the Terminate event of an object?

3. What is a collection? Name two collections that are automatically built into VB.

4. What properties and methods are provided by the Collection object?

5. Write short notes on key features of object-oriented language.

6. Write a short note on class module.

7. Write a short note on Property Procedures.

8. (How do we create a new object using a class?) What are the three choices of creating a new object?

9. Explain early binding versus late binding.

10. Explain the following –
a. ActiveX control with an example
b. A DLL (Dynamic Link Library)?
c. API (Application Programming Interface)

Thursday, April 1, 2010


QCreate a table calling_card with the attributes company_name, card_number,
starting_value, value_left and pin_number
o Attribute company_name may have upto 25 characters
o Attributes starting_value and value_left are measured in rupees and paisa
o Card_number may have up to 15 digits
o Pin_number is always 12 characters long


2 (
8 );

Table created.

Q Rewrite the CREATE TABLE command with attributes card_number identified as the
primary key and pin_number identified as unique.

  2 (
  8 );

Table created.

QRewrite the CREATE TABLE command using named constraints.


  2 ;

Table dropped.

  2 (
  8 );

Table created

Vb Important Question per Chapters 4,5,6

Chapter 4 –

1. Explain the purpose of relational and logical operators.

2. Differentiate between a comparison performed on numeric data and a comparison performed on string data. How does VB compare the Text property of a text box?

3. Explain If ...Else construct and nesting.

4. Define the term Validation. When is it appropriate to do validation? Give three different cases.

5. Explain Message Box function and give an example of five message box constants.

6. Explain a Boolean variable. Give an example.

Chapter 05 –

1. What does the term common dialog box mean? Name and explain atleast three types of common dialog boxes. What is the name of extension of the file in which common dialog box control is stored?

2. Explain the difference between a sub procedure and a function procedure.

3. What is a return value? How can it be used?

4. Explain the differences between ByRef and ByVal. When would each be used?

5. Explain the difference between a menu and a submenu.

Chapter 06 –

1. What does the phrase standard code module mean?

2. Discuss the difference between declaring a variable in the General Declarations section of a standard code module and declaring a variable in the General Declarations section of a form code module.

3. What are the purposes of a splash screen and About box?

4. Explain the Hide and Show methods.

5. Explain the Form Load and Form Activate events.

6. What do you mean by modal and modeless forms?

7. Explain the Load and Unload statements.

8. Explain the Me keyword.

9. How do we declare a global variable and global constant?

10. Explain global and static variables.

11. Explain Dim, Public and Private keywords (for this, refer to other chapters also).

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How The Percentage System works for last Year

class is given as per semesters-wise for Semesters 1st , 2nd , 3rd and 4th for First two year of the course.But last year Semester V and VI will be consider together as one total for award of class i.e. in the Final Year IT.

-Award of class is based on passing in all theory papers at one sitting
-Passing in parts will be awarded Pass Class of the Cumulative percentage of marks.

  *Distinction is awarded for 75% and above.
   *First Class is awarded for 60% and above but below 75%.
    *Second Class is awarded for 50% and above but below 60%.
     *Pass class is awarded for all below 50%.

Vb Important Question per Chapters

Chapter 1 –

1. What does cmdPush_Click mean? What does cmdPush in cmdPush_Click refer to? What does Click in cmdPush_Click refer to?

2. What is a Visual Basic event? Give some examples of events.

3. What is the purpose of Name property of a control?

4. What is the General Declarations section of a form module? What belongs there?

5. What are compile, run-time and logic errors, when do they occur and what might cause them?

6. What does context-sensitive Help mean? How can you use it to see the Help page for a command button?

Chapter 2 –

1. How does the behavior of option buttons differ from the behavior of check boxes?

2. If you want two groups of option buttons (five option buttons in each group) on a form, how can you make the groups operate independently?

3. Answer the following –

a. What is the purpose of key-board access keys? How do they operate at run-time?

b. What is a ToolTip? How can you make a ToolTip appear?

c. What is a focus? How can you set the focus to a particular control?

d. What is concatenation and when would it be used?

e. How to continue a very long VB statement onto another line?

f. What is the default property of a control? Give an example.

4. How are the With and End With statements used? Give an example.

Chapter 3 –

1. Distinguish between variables, constants, and controls.

2. Define Data type. Describe the various data types with the number of bytes occupied by them internally.

3. What do you mean by scope of a variable? Explain Procedure – level, Module – level and Global variables.
4. Explain the Naming Conventions and list the prefixes for the most common types of data types.

5. What is the purpose of the Val function?

6. What do you mean by Named and Intrinsic constants? Give one example for each.

7. Explain the following functions –

a. FormatCurrency

b. FormatNumber

c. FormatPercent

d. FormatDateTime

8. Write a short note on – Order of precedence.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Project 200 Marks
 This is to be a group project with a maximum 4 students in one group.
 The project can be in-house project (project done within ones institution) or
can be done in the industry.
 In case the project is in industry the group will be guided by External Project
guide (from industry) and Internal Project Guide (from the institution).
 In case the project is in-house the group will be guided by the Internal
Project guide.
Marks Distribution
Item Marks How to conduct Exam
Project report 100 Assessed jointly by
internal and External
Viva Voce of the report 100 Assessed jointly by
internal and External

Project Management reference book

Project Management, Meridth & Mantel, McGraw Hill

Project Management - Principles and Practices, M. Pete Spinner, Prentice Hall

Essentials of Project management by Dick Billows

Projects: Planning Analysis, Selection , Implementation and Review by Chandra,
Prasanna , TMH publication

Project Management

i) Projects & Project management, The project, Project Management., Types of
projects, Contractual Arrangements.
       (1) Readings: Basic Project Management- There are Four Types. & Making Project
            Management Work.
ii) The Nature of Project Management, Management principles, Some Factors in
Project Management, The Project Manager. Factors for Project Success and Failure.
       (1) Readings: The New Managerial work & Where does Project Cost Really Go
            Wrong? What it takes to be A Good Project Manager.
iii) Organizational Structures, The Project Organization, The Functional Organization,
The Matrix organization, Designing an Organization, Building the Team, Leadership.
       (1) Readings: Selection of the Team. & Matrix management: Contradiction and
iv) Project Administration: Project Authority & Project Control, Principles of Project
Administration., TQM.
       (1) Readings:
            Skunk Works - Management Style- It's No Secret. & Executive Focus on Quality.
v) Defining and Financing the Project. How Project Evolve- the Client Brief.,
Financing the Project. Sources of Finance and Cash Flow.
       (1) Readings:
       (a) Structural Scale Models: Beyond The Computer.Clear Project Definition is
            Crucial. Construction Cost estimating in the Design Process.Meeting the
            Infrastructure Challenge.
       (b) Three Perceptions of Project Cost - Cost Is More than A Four-Letter Word.
vi) Feasibility Studies and Approvals, Conducting a Feasibility Study, The
            Regulations Controlling Projects, Decision-Making, Economic Analysis.
       (1) Readings:
       (a) Project Management and Environmental Issues.
       (b) Obstacles Encountered by a New Industrial Development.
       (c) Environmental Planning and Engineering Decisions.
       (d) Intellectual Sources of the Ideas of " acceptable Risk" in Public Policy.
       (e) Speaking of Risk. Humble Decision-Making. Finding a Way to Measure
            Technology's Benefits. Justification Techniques for Advanced Manufacturing
vii) The Management of Design, Documentation and Tendering: The Management of Design,
Project Documentation, The Calling and Assessment of Tenders, Negotiation.
viii) The Planning of Project Implementation, The Plan of Execution, Planning the
Time Scale
       (1) Readings: Managing Software Development Projects.Balancing Strategy and
            Tactics in Project Implementations.
ix) On Time Project Completion- Managing the Critical Path.Resource Constrained
Scheduling Capabilities of Commercial Project Management Software. Project
Implementation and Control, Project Implementation, Project Execution, Project
Control, Commercial Aspects.
       (1) Readings: Managing Suppliers up to a Speed. Cost and Schedule Control in
            Naval Projects.Contract Negotiations, Dispute and Settlement. Project Management
            Control Problems: An Information Systems Focus.
x) Criteria for Controlling Projects According to Plan. Commissioning and Review,
The Commissioning phase, The Completion of a Project.
       (1) Readings: The Project Management Audit: Its Role and Conduct. & Knowing
            when to pull the Plug.

Total supply chain Management reference book

Materials Managemet and purchasing, Ammer DS Taraporewala

Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Martin Christopher, Richard Irwin

Vipul prakashan TSCM

Nurali prakashan TSCM

Total supply chain Management

1) Introduction to supply chain management -
Do we have the best suppliers at the lowest possible prices?
Are we getting and sending materials as quickly as possible?
Can the voices of our customers be heard in our processes?
Are customers satisfied with our products?

2) Creating outcome-driven tasks and processes
Retooling the structure and business strategy of the organization
Setting up effective people/responsibility charts
Incorporating technology for maximum benefit
Creating performance-based rewards
Measuring results

3) Materials Management, Scope, importance, classification of materials,
Procurement, Purchasing policies, vendor development and evaluation, Inventory
control systems of stock replenishment, Cost elements, EOQ and its derivative
models. Use of computers for materials function.

4) Logistics and competitive strategy, System view of logistics Coordination and
management of transportation, Inventory Order processing, Purchasing,
warehousing materials handling, packaging and customer service standards

5) Supply Chain management, Distribution network design, channels of Distribution,
Plant and warehouse location.

6) Transportation Systems Individual Freight and passenger modes, intermodal
transportation and third party transportation services, economic social, and political
roles of transportation, demand, cost and service characteristics of different transport
services, carrier selection and evaluation methods, contracting for transportation
services, freight rate structure, Private fleet management, Claim management,
International transportation, Ocean carrier management, port administration and
regulation, costing and pricing issues of international transportation, logistics, cost
transport mode choice, Dispatch decisions, routing decisions, routing Models,
packaging to suit mode of Transport.

7) Total distribution Cost analaysis

8) Logistic Information Systems.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

CRM (Customer Relations Management)

1.CRM at the speed of light by Paul Greenberg,TMH.

2. Customer R elations Management by Kristin Anderson & Carol Kerr. TMH.

CRM (Customer Relations Management)

1. Introduction to CRM : what is a customer? How do we define CRM? CRM
technology, CRM technology components, customer life style, customer

2. Introduction to eCRM : difference between CRM & eCRM, features of eCRM.

3. Sales Force Automation(SFA) : definition & need of SFA, barriers to
successful SFA, SFA:functionality , technological aspect of SFA: data
synchronization , flexibility & performance , reporting tools.

4. Enterprise Marketing Automation (EMA) : components of EMA, marketing
camping, camping, planning & management, business analytic tools. ,EMA
components( promotions ,events , loyalty & retention programs), response

5. Call Centers Mean Customer Interaction: the functionality, technological
implementation, what is ACD(automatic call distribution),IVR(interactive voice
response), CTI(computer telephony integration),web enabling the call center,
automated intelligent call routing, logging & monitoring.

6. Implementing CRM: pre implementation, kick off meeting, requirements
gathering, prototyping & detailed proposal generation, development of
customization, Power User Beta Test & Data import, training, roll out &
system hand off, ongoing support , system optimization, follow up.

7. Introduction to ASP( application service provider): who are ASP’s?, their role
& function, advantages & disadvantages of implementing ASP

Internet Technologies reference book

Vipul prakashan IT

Nurali Prakashan IT

Internet Technologies

1) Basic Networking:
         i) Network Protocols :
          a) TCP / IP (Transmission Control / Internet protocol )
          b) ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
          c) RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)
          d) RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
          e) OSPF (Open Shortest Path First ) Protocol
          f) BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)

2) Introduction to Network Programming
         i) Socket Programming (using TCP and UDP socket)
        ii) RMI
          a) Introduction to Distributed Computing with RMI
          b) RMI Architecture
          c) Naming remote Object
          d) Using RMI : Interfaces , Implementations, Stub, Skeleton, Host
          Server Client, Running RMI Systems
          e) Parameters in RMI : Primitive, Object, Remote Object
          f) RMI Client –side Callbacks
         g) Distributing & Installing RMI Software
        iii) Introduction to CORBA
         a) What is CORBA?
         b) CORBA Architecture
         c) Comparison between RMI and CORBA

3) Introduction to Wireless LAN
        i) How does WLAN work?
       ii) WLAN setups (Ad-hoc, infracture LAN)
      iii) Use of WLAN
      iv) Benefits of WLAN
       v) Restrictions and Problems with WLAN

C# (pronounced as C Sharp) reference book

Programming in C# by E. Balagurusamy TMH

C# a beginners guide by Herbert Schildt TMH

Complete Reference to C#

C# (pronounced as C Sharp)

1) Introduction to C# : Evaluation of C# , characteristics of C# , applications of
C# , difference between C++ & C#, Difference between JAVA & C#.

2) Introduction to C# environment : the .NET strategy , the origins of the .NET
technology, the .NET framework, the common language runtime , framework
base classes, user & program interfaces, Visual Studio .NET , .NET
languages, benefits of the .NET approach, C# & .NET

3) Overview of C# : Programming structure of C# , editing, compiling &
executing C# programs, namespace, comments, using aliases for namespace
classes, using command line argument, maths function.

4) Literals , variables & data types : literals, variables, data types, value types,
reference type, declaration of variables, initialization of variables, default
values, constant variables, scope of variables, boxing & unboxing.

5) Operators & expressions : arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical
operators, assignment operators, increment & decrement operators,
conditional operator, Bitwise operators, special operators, arithmetic
expressions, evaluation of expressions, precedence of arithmetic operators ,
type conversions, operator precedence & associativity, mathematical

6) Decision making & branching : if statement, if …else statement, nesting of
if… else statement, the else if ladder, switch statement, the ?: operator.

7) Decision making & looping : while statement, do statement, for statement,
foreach statement, jumps in loops.

8) Methods in C# : declaring methods, the main method, invoking methods,
nesting of methods, method parameters, pass by value, pass by reference,
the output parameters, variable arguments list, method overloading.

9) Arrays : 1-D array, creating an array, 2-D arrays, variable size arrays, the
system. array class, ArrayList class.

10) String Handling: Creating strings, strings methods, inserting strings using
systems, comparing strings, finding substrings, mutable strings, arrays of
strings, regular expressions.

11) Structures & enumeration : structures, structs with methods, nested structs,
differences between classes & structs, enumerations, enumerator
initialization, enumerator base types, enumerator type conversion, common
programming errors.

12) Classes & objects: Basic principles of OOP’s , class, objects, constructors,
static members, static constructors, private constructors, copy constructors,
destructors, member initialization, the this reference, nesting of classes,
constant members, read only members, properties, indexers.

13) Inheritance & polymorphism : classical inheritance, containment inheritance,
defining a subclass, visibility control, defining subclass constructors, multilevel
inheritance, hierarchical inheritance, overriding methods, hiding methods,
abstract classes, abstract methods, sealed classes: Preventing inheritance,
sealed methods, polymorphism.

14) Interfaces : Multiple inheritance : defining an interface, extending an
interface, implementing interfaces, interfaces & inheritance, explicit interface
implementation, abstract class & interfaces.

15) Operator overloading : Overloadable operators, need for Operator
overloading, defining Operator overloading, overloading unary operators,
overloading binary Operator, overloading comparison Operators.

16) Delegates & events : Delegates , Delegate declaration, Delegate methods,
Delegates instantiation, Delegates invocation, using Delegates, multicast
Delegates, events.

17) Managing console I/O operations : console class, console input, console
output, formatted output, numeric formatting, standard numeric format,
custom numeric format.

18) Managing errors & exceptions : types of errors, exceptions, syntax of
exception handling code, multiple catch statement, the exception hierarchy ,
general catch handler, using final statement, nested try blocks, throwing our
own exceptions, checked & unchecked operators, using exceptions for

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Elective ll: BPR (Business Process Reengineering)

1) What is BPR
2) Considerations in BPR
3) TQM
4) SW available for BPR
5) How to Plan Your Project, Select the Right Team, and Choose Your Approach
6) Articulate the business issues driving the project
7) Clearly define your project's objectives
8) Gain buy-in from key business leaders
9) Define the project scope
10) Create a powerful team
11) Choose your reengineering steps
12) Select and work with consultants
13) Prepare a project budget
14) Project Planning Template and Guidelines
15) Reengineering Team Selection Criteria and Approach
16) Methodology Selection
17) Consultant Selection
18) Project Readiness Assessment

Elective II: MIS (Management Information system) reference book

(i) Management Information System by W. S. Jawadekar TMG
(ii) Management Information System by James A. O’Brien TMG

Elective II MIS (Management Information system)

1) Introduction : MIS concept, definition, role of MIS, impact of MIS, MIS &
computer, MIS & academics, MIS & user.

2) Role & importance of management : introduction to management ,
approaches to management , functions of the manager, managers & the
environment, management as a control system, management by exception,
MIS : a support to the management .

3) Process of management : management effectiveness, planning, organizing ,
staffing, coordinating & directing, controlling, MIS : a tool for management

4) Organization structure & theory : Basic model of organization structure,
modifications of the basic model of organization structure, organization
behavior, organization as a system, MIS : organization.

5) Strategic management of business : the concept of corporate planning,
essentiality of strategic planning, development of the business strategies,
types of strategies, short range planning, tools of planning, MIS : business

6) Decision making : decision making concepts, decision methods, tools, &
procedures, behavioral concepts in decision making, organizational decision
making , MIS & decision making concepts.

7) Information : Information concepts, information : a quality product,
classification of the information, methods of data & information collection,
value of the information, general model of a human as an information
processor, organization & information, MIS & the information concepts.

8) Systems : System concepts, systems control, types of system, handling
system complexity, post implementation problems in a system, MIS & system

9) System Analysis & design : Introduction , the need for system analysis,
system analysis of the existing system, system analysis of new requirement,
system development model, structured System analysis & design, computer
system design, MIS & system analysis.

10) Development of MIS : development of long range plans of the MIS,
ascertaining the class of information, determining the information requirement,
development & implementation of the MIS, management of quality in the MIS,
organization for development of the MIS, MIS : the factors of success &

11) Choice of Information Technology : Nature of IT decision, strategic decision,
configuration design, evaluation, information technology implementation plan,
choice of ‘information technology’ & the ‘MIS’

12) Technology of information systems : introduction, data processing ,
transaction processing , application processing, information system
processing, human factors & user interface, real time systems & design,
programming languages for system coding, case tools & I -case.

Elective II :GIS (Geographic Information system) reference books

Fundamentals of GIS Michel Demers
Exploring GIS Nicholas Chrisman
GIS means Business by Christian Hardar
ESRI guide to GIS analysis Vol I by Andy Mitchell

Elective II:GIS (Geographic Information system)

Measurement Basics.
Measurement Frameworks.

Attribute-based Operations.
Overlay: Integration of Disparate Sources.
Distance Transformations.
Surfaces and Near Neighbors.
Comprehensive Operations.

Evaluation and Implementation.
Social and Institutional Context.

Elective II:ERP Systems

1)Introduction to ERP. Evolution of ERP. What is ERP? Reasons for the growth of ERP,
Scenario and Justification of ERP in India, Evaluation of ERP, Various modules of ERP,
Advantages of ERP

2) An overview of Enterprise, Integrated Management Information, Business
Modeling, ERP for Small Business, ERP for Make to Order Companies, Business
Process Mapping for ERP Module Design, Hardware Environment and its Selection
for ERP Implementation

3) ERP and Related Technologies, Business Process Reengineering (BPR),
Management Information System (MIS), Executive Information System (EIS),
Decision Support System (DSS), Supply Chain Management (SCM)

4) ERP Modules, Introduction, Finance, Plant Maintenance, Quality Management,
Materials Management

5) ERP Market. Introduction, SAP AG, Baan Company, Oracle Corporation, People
Soft, JD Edwards World Solutions Company, System Software Associates, Inc.
(SSA), QAD, A Comparative Assessment and Selection of ERP Packages and

6) ERP Implementation Lifecycle, Issues in implementing ERP packages, Preevaluation
Screening, Package Evaluation, Project Planning Phase, Gap Analysis,
Reengineering, Configuration, Implementation, Team Training, Testing, Going Live,
End-user Training, Post-implementation (Maintenance mode)

7) Vendors, Consultants and Users, In-house Implementation-Pros and Cons,
Vendors, Consultants, End- users

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Elective I :Web Design and Internet based Application referrence book

Vipul Prakashan Web Designing

Nurali Prakashan Web Designing

Elective I :Web Design and Internet based Application

Introduction to HTML/ DHTML:

1) Introduction to HTML/X-HTML: Document types(HTML elements, head elements,
title & body element), element & character, the rules of HTML, X-HTML.

2) Core HTML attributes: ID attribute, class attribute, style attribute, title core
language attribute, core events, heading, paragraphs & breaks, divisions & catering
, spans , quotations, preformatted text, list ( ordered, unordered, definition list) ,
horizontal rules, address ( other block level element) , text level element , physical
character formatting element, logical elements, inserted ; deleted text, character
entities, comments.

3) Links addressing : basic concepts of URLs, linking in HTML ( The anchor
element , link rendering ), anchor attribute , name attribute , title , accelerator keys,
tab index, target , anchor & link relationship, image & anchor, image maps ( client server side ; their attributes)

4) Layouts with tables : introduction to tables ( simple table, row span, colspan
attribute, background color, background images, data binding : tables generated
from data source )

5) Frames: overview of frames, simple frame, use of  , frame layouts.

6) Using Forms to read the input from user.

 Introduction to ASP

1)Introduction: what are Active Server Pages, how they work, understanding ASP
objects and components, running ASP pages - setting up PWS/ IIS, creating your
first ASP page, understanding ASP scripts.

2)Working with variables: data types- integer, float, string, etc. VBScript operators,
conditional statements - if..then, if..then..else, elseif, select case, looping logic - Do,
Do While, Do until, While…Wend, for…next, for each…next, sub.. endsub

3)Request and Response objects:
Response object - buffering page, page caching,
Request object - QueryString collection, form collection, servervariables collection,
Working with HTML forms - retrieving form data, using text boxes, text areas, radio
buttons, check boxes, select lists, form validation.

4)Session and Application Object:
Application object - global.asa file, creating and reading application variable
Session object - introduction, storing session information, contents & identifying
session, controlling when session ends, cookies - working, creating and reading.

5)Active server pages with Databases:
Connections and Data sources - creating connections with OLE DB & ODBC,
connecting to SQL Server with OLE DB & ODBC, closing an open connection
Executing SQL statement with connection object - creating, inserting, updating,
deleting, selecting a database table, advanced methods and properties

6)Working with Recordsets
Retrieving a recordset, recordset fields, recordset cursor and locking types,
Advanced methods & properties of recordset object - record count, scrolling, paging

Elective I :Embedded Systems and Programming referrence book

Programming Embedded systems in C and C++, Oreilly, SPD

Elective I :Embedded Systems and Programming

1) Introduction : Introduction to embedded system?, Variations on the theme, C :
The least common denominator , Introduction to about hardware

2) What are real-time embedded systems, examples of real time embedded

3) Introduction to embedded program ,The role of the infinite loop

4) Compiling, linking and locating, the Build Process.

5) Memory : Types of memory, Memory testing, Validating memory contents,
working with Flash Memory

6)Peripherals: Control and status Registers, The device driver philosophy, A simple
timer driver.

7) Operating Systems: History and Purpose, a decent embedded operating system,
real-time characteristics, Selection process

Elective I :Multimedia referrence Book

Communication and Computing for Distributed Multimedia Systems,Guojun Lu,
Artech House
Optimizing your Multimedia PC, L.J. Skibbe, S. Hafemeiseter, A.M. Chesnut,
Comdex Computer Publishin

Elective I :Multimedia

1) Introduction, What is multimedia? Components, Applications: presentation,
profiles, CBTs, Conferencing etc, Issues concerning problems of transfer of data on
networks due to stream orientation, Quality of services and synchronization .

2) Multimedia Elements: Analog and digital signals, Sampling and quantization, Color
space/models, List of media elements Types of texts, attributes and preparation, graphic
types, File formats for vector and raster graphics, Tools and processes for preparing graphical
elements, Animation types and techniques and tools for preparation, Video standards,
Compression techniques , file formats, Tool and process of preparing video

3) Integration and Authoring, Process of integration

4) Developing multimedia package, Content analysis for different applications, Story
boarding, Media design, Integration and packaging

5) Coding and Compression, Entropy encoding-run-length, Repetition suppression, Pattern
substitution, Hoffman etc, Source Encoding- Transform and differential encoding, JPEG
compression process, Trade off between compression and picture quality, MPEG audio and
video compression, MPEG-2 Standards, Various CD Formats.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

SQL 2 refernce Books

(i) The complete reference SQL by James R. Groff & Paul N. Weinberg TMG
(ii) SQL a complete reference by Alexis Leon & Mathews Leon TMG


1) Introduction to SQL: The SQL language, role of SQL, SQL features & benefits
Microsoft commitment (ODBC & ADO) , Internet database access , Java integration

2) SQL & DBMS: Brief history of SQL , SQL Standards ( ANSI / ISO Standards,
other SQL standards, ODBC & the SQL access group) , SQL & networking (
centralized architecture, file server architecture , client/server architecture, multi-tier

3) RDBMS: Data models (File management systems, hierarchical databases,
network databases), relational data model ( Keys, tables, relationships), Codd's 12

4) SQL Basics: statements, names ( table & column names), data types , constants
(numeric, string, date & time, symbolic constants), expressions , built-in functions,
missing data (NULL values)

5) Simple queries: The SELECT statement , query results, simple queries, duplicate
rows, row selection, search conditions, sorting query results, rules for single table
query processing

6) Multi-table queries : Simple joins , Non equi-joins, SQL considerations for multi
table queries ( table aliases, qualified column names, all column selections , self
joins) , multi table query performance , the structure of the join ( table multiplication,
rules for multi-table query processing ) , outer joins

7) Summary Queries : column functions, grouped queries, group search conditions

8) Sub queries & query expressions : using sub queries, sub query search
conditions, sub queries & joins, nested sub queries , correlated sub queries, sub
queries in the HAVING clause, advanced queries in SQL2 .

9) Database updates : adding data to the database , deleting data from the
database, modifying data in the database

10) Data integrity : meaning of data integrity, required data, simple validity checking
(column check constraints, domains ), entity integrity ( other uniqueness constraints,
uniqueness & NULL values) , referential integrity ( referential integrity problems,
delete & update rules, cascaded deletes & updates, referential cycles, foreign keys &
NULL values) , trigger advantages & disadvantages, triggers & SQL standards

11) Transaction Processing : Meaning ( COMMIT, ROLLBACK), transaction log,
transaction & multi user processing, locking ( locking levels, shared & exclusive
locks, deadlocks, advanced locking techniques)

12) Creating a database : DDL, creating database , table definitions, constraint
definition, aliases & synonyms, indexes, managing other database objects, database
structures ( single database architecture, multi- database architecture, multi-location
database architecture)

13) Views : meaning, creating a view ( horizontal, vertical, row/column subset,
grouped , joined views ), updating a view, dropping a view

14 ) SQL security : SQL security concepts ( user-ids, security objects, privileges ) ,
views & SQL security, granting privileges , revoking privileges

Visual Basic 6.0 reference Books

i) Programming in VB 6 by Julia case Bradley , Anita C. Millspaugh, TMH
ii) Visual Basic 6.0 Programming by Content Development Group, TMH
iii) The Complete Reference Visual Basic 6 by Noel Jerke , TMH

Visual Basic 6.0

1) Introduction to Visual Basic
Introduction Graphical User Interface (GUI), Programming Language (Procedural,
Object Oriented, Event Driven), The Visual Basic Environment, How to use VB
complier to compile / debug and run the programs.

2) Introduction to VB Controls
Textboxes, Frames, Check Boxes , Option Buttons, Images, Setting a Border &
Styles, The Shape Control, The line Control, Working with multiple controls and their
properties, Designing the User Interface, Keyboard access, tab controls, Default &
Cancel property, Coding for controls.

3) Variables, Constants, and Calculations
Variables, Variables Public, Private, Static, Constants, Data Types, Naming
rules/conventions, Constants, Named & intrinsic, Declaring variables, Scope of
variables, Val Function, Arithmetic Operations, Formatting Data.

4) Decision & Conditions
If Statement, If then-else Statement, Comparing Strings, Compound
Conditions(And, Or, Not), Nested If Statements, Case Structure ,Using If statements
with Option Buttons & Check Boxes, Displaying Message in Message Box, Testing
whether Input is valid or not.
Using Call Statement to call a procedure.

5) Menus, Sub-Procedures and Sub-functions
Defining / Creating and Modifying a Menu, Using common dialog box, Creating a
new sub-procedure, Passing Variables to Procedures, Passing Argument ByVal or
ByRef, Writing a Function Procedure,

6) Multiple Forms
Creating , adding, removing Forms in project, Hide, Show Method, Load, Unload
Statement, Me Keyword, Referring to Objects on a Different Forms,

7) List, Loops and Printing
List Boxes & Combo Boxes, Filling the List using Property window / AddItem Method,
Clear Method, List box Properties, Removing an item from a list, List Box/ Combo
Box, Do/Loops, For/Next Loops, Using MsgBox Function, Using String Function,
Printing to printer using Print Method,

8) Arrays
Single-Dimension Arrays, Initializing an Array using for Each, User-Defined Data
Types, Accessing Information with User-Defined Data Types, Using List Boxes with
Array, Two dimensional arrays.

9) OOP in VB
Classes, Creating a new Class, Creating a new object using a class, choosing when
to create New Objects, The Initialize & Terminate events.

10) Data Files
Opening and Closing Data Files, The Free File Function, Viewing the data in a file,
Sequential File Organization (Writing Data to a sequential Disk File, Creating a
sequential data file, Reading the Data in a sequential file, Finding the end of a Data
file, Locating a file). Trapping Program Errors, The Err Object, Random Data File
Opening a random file, Reading and writing a random file(Get, Put, LOF, Seek).

11) Accessing Database File
Creating the database files for use by Visual Basic ( Using MS-Access
), Using the Data Control ,setting its property, Using Data Control with forms,
navigating the database in code ( the recordset object using the movenext,
movepreviouse, movefirst & movelast methods , checking for BOF & EOF, using
listboxes & comboboxes as data bound controls, updating a database file ( adding,
deleting records ) .

12) Advanced data handling
Displaying data in grids ( grid control, properties of grid ) , displaying the record no &
record count, opening the database, validation & error trappings ( locking text
boxes, trap errors with On Error, file open errors ) , Recordset , searching for a
specific record ( findfirst, findnext, findlast, findprevious,) , seek method, working
with database fields, creating a new dynaset.

Internet Security refference book

Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker , Second Edition Addison

Crypotography And Network Security : Atul Kahate ,Second Edition McGraw-Hill Companies

Internet Security

Why require a security ? Picking a Security Policy , Strategies for a Secure Network ,
The Ethics of Computer Security, Security Threats and levels, Security Plan (RFC

Stealing Passwords.
Social Engineering.
Bugs and Backdoors.
Authentication Failures.
Protocol Failures.
Information Leakage.
Exponential Attacks—Viruses and Worms.
Denial-of-Service Attacks.
Active Attacks

What are viruse, Trojan Horse, Worms? How to protect the computer against virus
What is the Structure of viruse?

Kinds of Firewalls.
Packet Filters.
Application-Level Filtering.
Circuit-Level Gateways.
Dynamic Packet Filters.
Distributed Firewalls.
What Firewalls Cannot Do
Filtering Services.
Reasonable Services to Filter.
Digging for Worms.
Packet Filtering
Implementing policies (Default allow , Default Deny ) on proxy

Introduction to Basic encryption and Decryption,
Diffie's Hellman Key Exchange
Concept of Public key and Private key
Digital Signatures